Page 18 of My Ex-Stepbrother

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“Well, I understand that it’s a unique but challenging property to sell,” Ben says reassuringly. He continues, never stopping smiling. “So, since you clearly don’t feel up to the task of selling it, I guess we’ll have to work with another realtor.”

My jaw drops in delighted surprise as Benjamin marches to the front door, opens it, and points out. Madison is likewise so shocked that she doesn’t say a word as she shuffles dumbly to the door.

“Thanks for stopping by, Madison!” Benjamin says happily, giving her a last pat on the back before he shuts the door firmly behind her.

What just happened?

“Sorry I busted out like that,” Benjamin says, looking serious as he turns to me. “But I just couldn’t stand listening to her one second longer.”

I continue to gawk at him in disbelief. But then a slow smile spreads over my face.

“I mean, honestly, that was kind of awesome,” I say with a giggle. “Did you see her face when you came out?”

“How about her face when I told her we’d work with another realtor,” he adds with a grin. “I mean, did she introduce herself to you as AGENT Harper?! As if she’s with the FBI or something?”

“That’s exactly what I thought!”

“How full of yourself do you have to be?” He rolls his eyes.

“Well, you certainly took her down a peg,” I say with a smile.

“I couldn’t stand how rude she was being to you,” Benjamin says with a shake of his head. “There’s just no excuse to treat people like that, no matter who you are,” he says quietly.

“True. Well, I appreciate you coming to my rescue. Especially because it meant blowing your cover. Shedefinitelyknew who you are.”

“Yeah, well, here’s hoping she doesn’t alert the press.”

His phone buzzes, interrupting us.

“Hang on, I’ve got to take this,” he says quickly, looking at the screen. “I gotta take advantage of any moment that my phone actually gets reception out here.”

I watch as he walks off to take the call. I’m slowly realizing that I may have had that ‘Mr. Rock star’ persona all wrong. As annoying as I find Benjamin, I have no doubt that he would never treat someone poorly or speak down to them in the way Madison Harper just did to me.

Maybe he’s not quite the entitled asshole I thought he was?

“Okay, well I wish I’d ignored that call,” Benjamin says ruefully as he reenters the room.“Trouble?”

“My manager, James. The record label is on me to get this next album done.”

“So? It’s your third release, right? Not your first rodeo.”

“Correct. Third release.”

Benjamin gives me a knowing look, and I curse myself. By now, it’s probably all too obvious that I’ve been keeping a close eye on his career.

“The thing is,” Benjamin goes on, “I’ve been having some writer’s block. That’s part of the reason I came out here, to be totally honest with you. It’s not just to get away from the media.”

“Ah, well, I know a thing or two about writer’s block,” I say with a comforting smile.

“How do you get past it?” He asks, fixing his dark eyes on me. “Any tips?” A shiver runs through me at the intensity of his gaze—the look of a tortured artist.

“I’ve got some ideas that could help,” I say, slowly. A crazy idea is forming in my head. The question is, will Benjamin be on board? “Look, what if I help you with your songwriting—”

“And I help you with your PR stuff?” He interrupts eagerly.

“Yeah! You’ve probably done media training and stuff like that, right?”

“Oh yeah. Loads. My publicist put me through PR bootcamp a few years back, after I trash-talked my ex-songwriting partner to a reporter.”

Tags: Annabelle Love Romance