Page 12 of Saving Gavin

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"Your ex, Gavin?" she finally says.

"The one and only."

"Okay, well, start at the beginning."

"When I took the case, I didn't check his name because I was focused on getting him set up. So, when I walked in today to find him, I was beyond shocked."

"I bet he was, too. How did he handle it? Did he ask for someone else?"

"No, he's going to let me work with him. In fact, I think he wants me to work with him."

"That’s promising. He’s lost his sight, right?"

"Yep. He let me walk him out to the garden, and we talked. Not that we got much done, but we talked about why we broke up, and him leaving."

"Does he know?"

"No. I didn't get that deep, and I have no plans to right now. He needs to heal, not be faced with a curve ball."

"Have you told your parents he's back?"

"Nope. Talked to my mom on the way home, but I couldn't tell her. She started on the mothering, and we talked about my interview."

"Speaking of which, how did it go?"

"I’ve got another interview with some higher-ups via a video call. Then next would be an in-person interview, so I'd have to go to Arizona, but it’s around the time we’re visiting for my mom's birthday."

"Well, only you can make that choice. It’s a huge decision that will change your and Graham’s lives. But I want to remind you that you have a life here and people who consider you family and a bigger support system than in Arizona if you stop to think about it."

Leave it to Faith to hit me with logic. She's right, though. I'd have my mom and dad in Arizona, but they’re busy taking care of my mom's parents. Here, I have Graham's after-school care, his father, plus Lexi and Noah, who have watched Graham for me many times.

Now I'm working at Oakside, I've made friends with Paisley and Mandy, who Graham loves and are great with him. Even their husbands have taken to Graham and have a good relationship with him.

"I know, and now with Gavin here, things are much more complicated."

"Oh, I bet they are. Let's plan a girl’s night in a few weeks, and we can talk about it."

"Lexi’s planning one when the baby’s born, so we can all meet the new addition. You should come."

"Sounds good. Let me know."

"Mom? I'm hungry," Graham says, walking into the kitchen.

"I've got to go and finish dinner. We’ll talk more later," I tell Faith.

"Want me to come up this weekend? I can bring some wine, and we can chat."

"Maybe. Let's see how the week goes."

We hang up, and I turn to Graham, who looks so much like a younger version of Gavin it isn't funny. Especially now with his longer hair. I have a suspicion that's why my mom wants me to cut it, although it’s not that long, just past his ears with some curls.

"You didn't have a snack at Ms. Jessica's today?"

"She had some soy biscuits that tasted like poop."

"Graham," I scold him.

His little face scrunches up."Sorry, Momma. They didn't taste good, so I only took a few bites. James didn't like them either. We fed them to the dog when she wasn't looking, so we didn't hurt her feelings."

Tags: Kaci Rose Romance