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She whimpers and opens her eyes. “I can’t—I’m so close, oh God!” She screams, her eyes slamming shut as she squeezes her breasts so hard they will bruise. Her tight little cunt pulses around my fingers as she comes, gripping them as she grinds into the pleasure until she slumps in aftershocks.

Pulling my fingers free from her dripping cunt, I frown at her. Her eyes open and lock on me, and I suck my fingers into my mouth, tasting her sweet release as she moans softly. I prop my hands on the sink on either side of her legs.

“I didn’t say you could come yet, did I?” I question, and she closes her eyes, shaking her head even as she shivers from aftershocks. “I wasn’t done having fun, so you’re going to pay for that.”

“Pay how?” she croaks.

I grab her hair hard, mussing the locks and twisting until she cries out. Yanking her from the counter, I turn us, and then I push her to her knees. She goes wide-eyed and willingly.

“You’re going to eat my pussy until I come all over your tongue,” I order. “We don’t leave this room until I come so hard it drips down your chin. You want that, don’t you?”

She swallows, gripping my bare legs, and nods hesitantly.

“Ever ate pussy before?” I murmur, pulling her closer.

“No,” she whispers.

“But you want to?” I push, unwilling to let her hide.

“Yes! Fuck, okay, I want to eat your pussy!” she almost yells, and then looks to the door and back to me. “I want to taste you, to know what it feels like.”

“Good girl,” I coo as she pushes my dress up, gasping when she finds my bare pussy before her. Parting my legs, I throw one over her shoulder, forcing her to take my weight and exposing myself... and my wetness.

This might be for revenge, but it doesn’t mean I’m not enjoying myself. Watching her come was fucking beautiful, and feeling it around my fingers, hearing her cries in my ears, and watching her breasts bounce from the force of my fingers has me wet as hell, imagining her tongue inside of me.

Without instruction, her hand comes out shakily, and she trails it down my pussy, like I did to her. “Good girl, touch me like I touched you, like you would touch yourself.” I look down at her as she stares at my pussy like a puzzle. Tentatively, she runs it back up and rubs my clit. “Harder, babe. Fuck me like I fucked you. Like you want me to squirt down your throat until I’m all you taste all night.”

She rubs my clit harder, and I groan as pleasure pulses through me. Grabbing my breast, I twirl and tweak my nipple, adding a hint of pain. “That’s it, now fuck me with two fingers.”

She hesitates before moving lower and pressing two fingers to my hole. “Now,” I demand harshly, and she pushes them into me, slowly at first.

“You’re so wet.” She groans and pushes them deeper, stopping before curling them and searching for my G-spot. She finds it and I moan, encouraging her. It does the trick. She pulls her wet digits free and pushes them back in, fucking me slowly at first before speeding up.

I grind into them, using my leg to thrust. “Now lick my clit.”

She moves her head closer like she was waiting for that, her tiny pink tongue coming out and lapping at my clit. “Oh my God, you taste so good,” she murmurs between my thighs, dragging her tongue down to her fingers and back up.

“Just like that, harder, flick it. Suck it if you want.”

She flicks my clit over and over until the pleasure rises within me. My pussy drips down her thrusting fingers, and just then, the little bitch sucks on my clit hard, the way I did her nipples, before letting go and lapping me again. I groan, riding her face and fingers.

I feel her struggling to breathe, but I drag her closer with my hand, grinding my cunt into her mouth until she has no choice. “That’s it, use teeth, I’m so close.”

She ups her speed then, adding another finger and licking my clit urgently before sucking it. “Good girl, you’re doing so good. Feel how wet I am? How my pussy is clenching around you?”

She nods against me.

“That means I’m close, so don’t you dare pull away. Right there.” My words end in a cry as my release explodes through me.

I grind into her face harder, slamming down on her fingers and lips. No doubt I’m hurting her, but she doesn’t pull away until I push her back. She’s breathing heavily, her eyes wide and filled with desire. Her lips are swollen and glistening with my cum, her chin too.

Her fingers are still inside of me, and I narrow my eyes. “Pull them out slowly and let me see you lick them clean.”

Licking her lips, she slides them free, and as I watch, raises them to her lips and sucks them clean. “Good girl, now drag them down my cunt again.”

She does, following my every instruction, knowing it pleases me. When she pulls away, I hop up onto the counter, my pussy still out.

“Now fuck yourself with them coated in my cream.”

Tags: K.A Knight Erotic