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“I-I—he doesn’t know I’ve been with a girl before,” she whispers.

“Even more reason to get your own back. Only one girl? Did she make you come?” I ask curiously.

She nods, her eyes flaring with desire. “So hard.”

“‘Cause women are better at eating pussy.” I smirk. “Want me to show you?”

Her eyes flicker around nervously before landing back on me. “Really?”

“Unless you’re not interested? I’m not into chasing tail, there’s plenty here.” I stand, and her hand darts out to grab mine, squeezing as she gets to her feet. Her eyes are filled with desire as she leans in and quickly kisses me before stepping back.

Decision made.

“I’m interested.” She nods. “Fuck, yeah. Please make me come.”

“Lead the way.” I grin.

She turns and moves through the crowd with me on her heels, staring at her pert ass. This should be fun. She seems so sweet and innocent when asking for what she wants. Is she not used to that?

We head upstairs as the front door opens and the Crew brothers step in. Smirking, I turn forward and follow her down a winding hallway before she opens a door and ushers me inside. She shuts it quickly behind her, keeping her hand on the knob as she shivers. The bathroom we are in is bigger than my whole fucking room.

“What am I doing?” she asks herself.

Stepping up behind her, I press against her back and place my hands on her hips before dragging them up. She gasps, leaning back into me and letting go of the knob. I slide my hands around to her front, over her toned belly and up to her breasts. Slipping under the material, I cup the handful and squeeze until she presses her ass into me. Leaning in, I chuckle against her.

“No cock, remember, babe?” I whisper, even as I tweak her hard nipples, twisting them until she moans and tries to turn in my arms.

I allow it, and she presses her lips to mine, fumbling to kiss me, so I glide my hand up her throat and into her hair, gripping it and tilting her head so I can dominate her mouth. I swallow her breathy moan as I twine my tongue with hers. She rubs against me desperately, squeezing my ass. When I pull back, her eyes are closed, her lipstick is smeared, and her mouth is slack.

“On the counter,” I order, turning her. She blinks her eyes open and quickly hops up. Grabbing her supple thighs, I part them and push between them as I drag her closer to the edge.

“Oh God,” she mutters, even as she bends back, arching her chest greedily.

“Are you wet for me?” I ask silkily as I squeeze her thighs before sliding one hand up. Her eyes stay locked on mine as I slip it under her skirt and towards her pussy. I pause when she doesn’t respond.

“Yes,” she hisses, pushing down to urge me on. Smirking, I drag my hand higher and cup her pussy through her lace underwear. Her underwear is drenched, seeping through the material. She whimpers, lifting her hips to grind into my hand as I lean down and catch my teeth in the bottom of her crop top before tugging it up.

I free her breasts, and they bounce as she groans. I lick between them before swiping my tongue across the crest of her left one and circling her nipple. I pull my hand away from her pussy, and with my fingertips, I nudge her panties aside, parting her dripping lips and matching the rhythm of my fingers with my tongue.

I spread my fingers across her bare pussy teasingly. She groans and lifts her chest higher, and I finally suck her nipple into my mouth. I suck hard before I bite down, then I flip my hand and grind against her engorged clit with my palm.

She cries out, the music drowning out the sound as she falls back, her head pressed to the mirror. I switch to the other nipple, giving it the same treatment as I grind into her clit. She rubs against my hand, almost riding it, and just when she’s about to come, I pull back. I leave her whimpering as I drag my fingers down her pussy and circle her hole.

“Please,” she begs desperately. “I need to come so badly.”

Eyebrow arched, I use my other hand to rip up her skirt to expose her panties. Slipping them from her legs, I throw them onto the floor and stare at her pink, glistening cunt as she parts her legs farther, exposing herself as she grabs her breasts and rolls the nipples between her fingers.

“Please!” she says again.

“Please what?” I prompt, leaning closer until she feels my breath blow across her intimate flesh. She shivers from it, a groan catching in her throat.

“Touch me, fuck me, make me come,” she demands. Needy little thing.

Chuckling, I stroke down her pussy and press two fingers to her entrance. Just as she breathes in, probably to protest again, I slam them into her tight channel. She screams, and I waste no time pumping them inside of her as I rub her clit with my thumb and hook my fingers, rubbing along her inner wall.

Looking up, I watch her go wild. Her mouth is open as she cries out, her chest is flushed, and her breath heaves as she lifts her hips to fuck herself on my fingers. “Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, how can it feel so good?” she asks, grinding harder.

Her channel flutters around my fingers as her cream drips from her tight hole. She’s close, so close. “Don’t you dare come until I say so, I haven’t even tasted you yet,” I warn.

Tags: K.A Knight Erotic