Page 39 of Perfect Distraction

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Andrew: Is your job the only thing holding you back?

Lauren: No. It’s also because of your situation. A new relationship is the last thing you need right now. You’re undergoing treatment for cancer, for crying out loud.

Andrew: You think I can’t handle chemo and you at the same time?

An image of Andrew appeared in her mind, standing tall over her. Large, muscular, imposing.

Lauren: I think you should focus on what’s most important.

Andrew:Can we be friends, at least?

Lauren:I’d like that.

Andrew: Friends with benefits?

Lauren: You’re walking a fine line, Mr. Bishop.

Andrew: Friends don’t address each other with such formality.

Lauren: Goodnight, Andrew.

Sunday was Lauren’s favorite day of the week. Her routine consisted of sleeping in, taking a walk around the neighborhood, and enjoying a cup of coffee at one of the shops near her house. Today was no different, and after a relaxing morning, she’d landed on her couch with her board exam study materials.

Midafternoon, her phone lit up with a text message.

Andrew: You owe me, you know.

Lauren:Hello to you, too. Owe you what?

Andrew:Another unique fact about Lauren Taylor.

Lauren: I told you three.

Andrew: No you didn’t. You gave me documentaries and puns.

She thought back to the night before. He was right.

Lauren:Okay. Let me think.


Lauren: Don’t rush me

Andrew: …

Lauren:I can flip an omelet like a boss.

Andrew: You’re lucky I’ve been watching Chef’s Table all day, otherwise I might be less impressed by that. I do love a good omelet.

Lauren: They’re egg-cellent for breakfast.


Lauren: No?


Tags: Allison Ashley Romance