Page 38 of Perfect Distraction

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“Me, too,” she said quietly, hesitant to admit it. “Are you gonna explain the no kissing thing? Or just leave me to wonder? So far I’ve come up with a religious pact or cystic acne.”

“It was a combination of things, really. I guess the acne is the closest to the truth, because for most of middle and high school my choices were limited because of how I looked. I was exceptionally tall but couldn’t keep weight on, no matter what I did. Based on how much I ate, I should have weighed three hundred pounds, but instead I was so skinny my nickname was Skeletor.”

“That’s terrible.” Her eyes traveled across his chest and shoulders, and she added, “And hard to believe.”

Did his cheeks just turn pink? “I filled out.”

He most certainly had.

“I didn’t have an actual girlfriend until college, and even though I could have kissed someone at a party or something before that, I guess I never liked a girl enough. I’m kind of old-fashioned and think even something as simple as a kiss should be shared with care.”

Her shoulders went slack. “Are you for real?”

He looked down at his body in the chair and back to her face. “I think so.”

“I didn’t think men like you existed anymore.”

“Honesty compels me to tell you that I’m no saint. I made up for lost time. Even so, I stand by what I said.”

She didn’t respond because the server chose that moment to approach the table. After a small argument, Andrew relented and allowed Lauren to pay her share, and they walked outside together. Small white lights were strung between the street lights, casting a soft glow along the sidewalk.

Andrew suggested they walk around. Lauren agreed, because as much as it went against her better judgment, she didn’t want the evening to end. Andrew was fun, easy to talk to, and a good listener. If this had been an actual date, she would have counted it as the best one she’d ever had.

A small fountain stood across the street from the restaurant, and as they approached the edge, Lauren reached into her purse. She pulled out two coins and held one out to him. “Here. Make a wish.”

He took the silver coin and immediately tossed it into the water.

“What was that?” she accused, frowning. “You didn’t even think about it.”

It was cooler outside than she anticipated, and she shivered. Andrew removed his jacket to place it around her shoulders. Warmth and his clean, masculine scent enveloped her. He turned her around to face him and pulled the front together across her torso, tilting his chin down toward her upturned face. His brown eyes met hers intently as a gust of wind swept through, causing her hair to swirl around her face. He placed both hands on her temples and slid them down to her cheeks, taming the strands underneath his fingers.

Conscious thought hovered just out of reach.

“I didn’t need to think about it,” he said, his voice quiet but firm. “I already knew what I wanted to wish for.”

Almost as if drawn by a magnet, she put one hand against his chest, and she wasn’t certain whether it was to push him away or invite him closer. His head lowered, his eyes searching hers, probably looking for some indication of whether or not she wanted this.

Absolutely not and a thousand times yes.

Her other hand came up to join the first, and it landed right on top of his port. Her fingers traced the raised mound, and she pulled back with a sharp intake of breath. Her eyes went wide.

“I can’t do this.” She stepped back. She slipped out of his jacket and handed it to him. “I should go.”

He just looked at her, his jacket held loosely by his side, disappointment in his eyes.

Unable to think of anything else to say, she turned and darted across the empty street in the direction of the parking lot. Once she reached her car, she chanced a look around, wondering if he’d come after her.

He hadn’t. She should be relieved, but she felt a strange sense of loss. She didn’t like it, and she forced down the sensation of deep regret as she started her car and headed home.

An hour after she got home, she sent Andrew a text message.

Lauren: I’m sorry I left like that.

Andrew: Me too.

Lauren:I had a wonderful time tonight. It just feels wrong to get involved with you.

Tags: Allison Ashley Romance