Page 47 of Hidden Chaos

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He leaned in so the warmth of his breath, perfumed by the wine we’d had at dinner, spilled over his sexy pink lips. He stood there with me locked around his strong body, in this pussy-wetting pose staring unblinkingly into my wide gaze and making my heartbeat go berserk.

He finally closed the last inch of space between our mouths, making me sigh at the sensation of his lips sliding against mine. The soft press didn’t last long because the kiss grew firm and frantic, our lips and tongues stirring the hot pangs of pleasure we created.

I was immersed so deeply in our exchange that I didn’t notice us moving until I began sliding down his body. He drew away from our kiss, allowing me to reacquaint my feet with the floor. I wanted to pull his face back to mine, but my hands remained clamped behind my back.

“Are you okay with me securing your hands?” he questioned in a voice so husky that it had me squeezing my thighs together.

“Yes,” slid from my mouth on a lost breath.

He released my wrists and tugged at the hem of my sundress, lifting it with a lingering ease that had me squirming for him to move faster. A smile appeared in his gaze before it fell to his lips when he took in one of the expensive black lace, bra-and-panty sets I was wearing from the new collection they had purchased for me.

Once the sundress was lifted and over my head, he twisted it in his hands rolling it until I recognized it was what he would use to tie my hands. What object or piece of furniture he was planning to tie me to this time was beyond me and at this point in my flowing hotness, I didn’t care.

I had only ever been tied and bound by him, so like the first time, this would be an interesting adventure. He wrapped the dress in a figure eight around my wrists, pulling them together tightly before he tied it securely in place.

My curiosity took a back seat to my lust at the sight and feel of his fingers sliding along my skin and leaving a trail of goose bumps. He toyed with my body teasing, stimulating, and awaking every nerve ending. First, he dragged his fingertips across my stomach then up and over each of my hard nipples, making me suck in harsh breaths. His fingers continued to tease, tracing the ache he’d left in my nipples until he reached the waistband of my panties.

He gripped me around my tied wrists, using the hold to get me moving in the direction of the walk-in closet. Once he stood me in place, he opened the door and stepped inside. I hadn’t had a chance to explore the contents of the closet so I waited, listening while he rummaged around in there for something. When he stepped out, I noticed he was holding a metal bar.

A hard swallow did nothing to take the edge off my anticipation when I recognized what was in his hand: a portable pull-up bar. What was he going to do with that thing? He reached up and adjusted it so the bar faced the outside of the door. Was he about to show off how physically fit he was?

Once the bar was securely in place, he closed the closet door. It was instincts that made me glance down at my bound hands. Was he about to do what I thought he was about to do?

My mouth dropped open. I immediately clamped it shut when he reached down and took my hands again. He positioned me in front of the door to face him. His grip on my bound hands tightened before he drew me into his body with a hard yank.

“Up,” he called again, and I didn’t hesitate to give a little hop, excited to feel my legs wrapping around him again. He lifted so that I was aligned to loop my bound hands around his neck.

“Oh,” rushed out when he gripped each of my ass cheeks and lifted me higher.

Once I was adjusted to the right height, he controlled me with one hand and used the other to lift my hands until he adjusted the binds around the bar.

Lord, have mercy.I believed I was going to need to go to church after this.

He loosened my legs around his waist, which allowed me to feel the pressure of my bound hands and the cold gloss of the door. A gasp escaped when he let my legs slide down his body until they were dangling a few feet off the floor. He secured me so there wasn’t a lot of play between my wrists, the material, and the bar. The weight pulled tight at my wrists, but it was surprisingly a tolerable stress.

I supposed I wasn’t as heavy as I’d led myself to believe. I was always commenting about my big ass and hips, and the ladies would laugh and tell me I was delusional. Now, here I was, tied to a door like a side of USDA beef and trapped because Tywin had my ass hooked, lined, and sunk. He took his time making sure his makeshift prop would hold up against whatever was flowing through his head.

Once he was sure I was hanging to his satisfaction, his hands began to roam with precise intent along my trembling stomach. They crept over my hot flesh lightly and softly. The sweet agony of anticipation had me unable to swallow fast enough to stamp down the desire he sent raging through me.

“You have a beautiful body, Patrena. It’s flawless,” he complimented in a hot whisper, sending blazing heat along my skin. I always picked at what I wanted to improve about myself, but if he saw flawlessness, I sure as shit wasn’t going to argue.

“Thank you,” I whispered, noticing I was forced to drag my breaths into my nose and blow them out of my mouth like I was running.

“So sweet,” he said sliding his fingers into the waistband of my panties, causing me to shiver. “So sexy,” he continued, gripping my panties in the front, enough for them to draw tight against my waist and ass. His eyes were glued to mine, and I couldn’t turn away if my life depended on it. “And so fucking mine,” he added, snatching my panties off with a quick, hard yank.

Holy shit on a stick. What the fuck have I gotten myself into with Tywin Vallin?

He had delivered those words with such force that he had given them their own life. He undid the front clasp of my bra with one quick twist and proceeded to stroke every inch of me like he was inspecting his property. Pinching pockets of skin here, gripping this curve there, and then leaning in and kissing that dip.

My brain screamed for him to put me out of my misery, but I was too flustered to spit out a single word. He bent, lowering to his knees, but kept his stalking gaze locked on mine. I didn’t know if he was testing or teasing, but he had me hot in a way that I believed my body revealed everything he needed to know.

The anticipation had me trying to wring my hands although they were tightly bound above my head. He eased his hand around my thighs, lifting one leg above his sturdy shoulder and the other leg he controlled with his grip, opening me. This was the first time in my life I felt the results of my arousal sliding down my inner thigh.

The level of jittery excitement coursing through me was off the charts. At the same time, I was scared shitless. I’d heard stories about this kinky shit turning deadly, and this man had my sexually-deprived ass pinned to the door like I was a coat on a hanger.

“You smell so sweet,” he said, interrupting my thoughts and stopping me from scaring myself straight.

He leaned in and sat his tongue against my inner thigh and proceeded to lick what was flowing down my leg. The first hot flick of his tongue to my flesh made a low moan of pleasure slide from my throat.

Tags: Keta Kendric Romance