Page 46 of Hidden Chaos

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“You sound proud that I might not be the angel you assumed I was.” I wasn’t confirming or denying anything.

“I am proud, but I never assumed you were an angel,” he stated with finality like he was confirming one thing and setting me straight on another.

“Even if you can do everything yourself, I still believe it is my duty and responsibility to keep you safe. I’ll do everything in my power to protect you, but I can promise you that I would never purposely take away your right to defend yourself.”

My head fell against his shoulder. There weren’t many people who I was proud of, but Tywin had made it onto my short list. Damn, I wanted him to be my man.

“Thank you. That means a lot. More than you know.” I planted a sweet kiss on his cheek that had my lips lingering near the warmth spilling from his skin.

He held my gaze when I managed to pull away. The beautiful colors in his eyes sparkling and gifting me a natural sense of peace. We leaned into a sensual caress and our lips found each other’s and merged with sweet contact before we pressed them into a searing kiss.

When we parted, there was no mistaking the formation of pure unadulterated lust taking shape in his gaze. And, just like that, I knew our talk was done.

“Tywin,” I breathed his name and inhaled the fumes of my own lust.


“You can protect me from bad guys and save me from killers, but please don’t save me right now.”

He chuckled. “As you wish.”

There was no mistake in the dark storm clouds continuing to gather in his gaze. He stood, taking me up with him before turning me to face him. His towering height had me facing the top of his chest, but the roaring tension flowing between us was making me so high, I felt much taller.

He reached and splayed his fingers against my cheek before brushing his thumb over my lips. The tender stroke urged my tongue to come out and meet his thumb. The action stopped him mid-stroke, and he pressed the finger past my lips and into my mouth. I closed my eyes and sucked, releasing a sigh.

“Patrena,” he called, awakening me from the pleasure I was drawing from the delicious action.

“Yes,” I spoke around his thumb.

His face was closer to mine now, his lips hovering at the area where my mouth and his finger were connected.

“You remember what I said I liked?”

How could I forget?

“Yes.” I breathed before folding my tongue to allow his finger to slide back and forth between it before he eased it out.

A hard swallow was my response to seeing him shoving the finger that I had sucked, into his mouth and licking away the wetness I had left on it.

“Mmm,” he groaned, never dropping his gaze from mine.

The sensual slide of his hand down my arms, aided in tugging me closer, until the hard length of his erection poked at my stomach. He reached down and took my wrists. The light stroke he brushed over them with his thumbs had the hairs on my arms standing. I knew what was on his mind so I took a step back, lifted my hands, and flipped them palms up before reaching them out to him.

The gleam in his eyes shifted from warm and intense to a sizzling flow of hot lava. He bent, not stopping until his lips were caressing my wrist, the left, and then the right. The kisses were feather light and delicate in the easy way he brushed his lips over mine.

How was he so sweet and caring one moment while initiating something that would lead to us cursing like sailors the next? He knew he possessed the ability to fuck me senseless while being trussed up like a disobedient concubine.

He took a firm hold of my wrists, shoving them down and past my sides until they met at my back. Locking my wrists in one of his hands, he had his other sliding up my chest and neck and through my short hair. The hold on my wrists tightened at the same time as his grip on my hair. He lifted my head up and exposed my neck.

Another layer of pressure was added to his actions that excited me, making my heart gallop in my chest and my erogenous zones flood with lust. Using the tight hold on my pinned wrists, he drew me in and kept me pressed tightly against his hard body.

He hadn’t released my hair and kept my head angled where he wanted it. The possessive glint in his eyes… Dear Lord. It said everything and my mind was instantly overtaken with thoughts of how hard he would fuck me, how far he would push my limits, and how many times he would make me cum.

“Up,” he commanded right before he gave a little boost.

I didn’t know how the hell this was all going to play out, but I hopped up on him and my legs were locked tight around his waist within seconds. I’d wanted to climb him again since the first time we met.

“Fuck,” I muttered under my breath, loving the way the heat of his hardness was pressing into my inner left thigh. He lifted and sat me in his zone, one so hot that I was already flowing. There was no use regaining control of my breathing because I was raging with a need I’d never experienced before.

Tags: Keta Kendric Romance