Page 13 of Hidden Chaos

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When I lifted and sat her on the table, making her plump tits bounce, a little sexy gasp escaped her. I had always considered myself an ass man, but Patrena’s freckled tits were making me rethink my preference.

“No,” she managed to answer the question I had forgotten I’d asked. The one word was no more than another escaped breath from her mouth. She was as high on our interactions as I was even though we were just getting started.

“Good,” I replied, happy I was getting an opportunity to spank that luscious ass of hers.

I ran my hand up her legs, making her shiver before I sat my lips atop hers and let nature take over. Although I was leading the scene, her kisses sucked me in and folded me in such a caressing grip that it took me several tries to ease back, only to be lured right back in. Tasting, feasting, and devouring her slippery, sweet tongue and satiny soft lips had become addictive.

When I finally managed to back away with a loud groan, I stood in place taking her in completely: the short, stylish haircut, the creamy blush-kissed skin, and her beautifully freckled cheeks. She was that once-in-a-lifetime woman you came across and savored like a fine, rare treat. And I didn’t plan on missing a thing with Patrena. A smile slid across her lips, inciting mine to join before her gaze reflected the devilishness that was waiting to take place between us.

“Lie back,” I instructed, and she complied immediately, keeping her gaze locked with mine the entire time.

I teased, blowing light wisps of air along her legs while sliding my fingers to either side of her hips. By the time I reached the waistband of her panties, she was panting. It was a sound that soaked into my system and added fuel to my burning desires.

Gradually, and like I had done with her shorts, I slowly dragged her panties down, exposing her pretty pussy. I admired her sweet spot with its neat little landing strip pointing to the tender folds hiding the jewel waiting for my tongue. I kissed the top of each kneecap while slipping her panties over each foot.

I shoved my hands under her thighs, gripped and dragged her to the edge of the table before giving her hips a tight squeeze. She eagerly allowed me to manhandle her and waited in anticipation for my next move. Her chest rose and fell rapidly to keep up with her heightened state of arousal. The way my fingers pressed into her silky skin, slid up her legs, and spread them as I got higher had me wrapped in a hypnotic trance I didn’t want broken.

When her tongue slid seductively across her lips and she bit into her bottom one, the sight caused an explosion of heat to rage through me. My mouth was on her pussy before she could take her next breath, catching her so far off guard that she let out a series of exhausted sighs before replacing them with moans that sounded like soul-stirring songs.

“Oh…” A long chorus of sexually charged sounds poured from her. “Yes. Mmm,” she hummed.

I didn’t have to put in a request for her to spread her legs wider because they fell apart, giving me ample access. She watched what I was doing in noticeable apt wonder. Me eating her out while she vocalized her pleasure with harmonious sounds pushed my desire for her to another dimension. Her body language, the sensual waves and delicate shutters spoke of the level of pure enjoyment I was dishing out.

My tongue slid between the seams of her wet lips before I stiffened it and sent it chasing the slippery pebble, teasing, sucking, and licking her with firm pressure. Her mouth parted on a long winded moan that came from deep in her throat at the sight of my tongue circling her clit.

Her head fell back when her inner thighs began to tremble. She snapped her head up when I pulled her down so that her ass hung over the edge of the table.


The loud lick to her backside echoed through her dining room along with her moaning cries.

“Oh shit! Ty!” she yelled out, stretching out the first two syllables of my name.


I was eating her pussy like a starved animal and smacking her delicious ass like it had always belonged to me, timing my spanks with each suck I gave her clit. The shit drove her wild, making her screams sound like she was practicing for the opera.

My tongue was buried in paradise, and I was sure my taste buds were throwing a celebratory party. The double trouble I was dishing out had her flowing like a river after a hard rain and screaming my name on repeat.

She kept lifting her hands and dropping them back down, clearly wanting to touch me one moment and deciding against it the next, to hold on to the table.

“Yes! Yes! Hell yes!” she managed to yell out after another twirl of my tongue and ass-smacking combination.

Her tits bobbed as she struggled to breath, her fingers gripping each side of the table for support.

Smack! Smack!

“T-T-Ty, you’re making me… you’re going to make me… I’m about to…”

She came so hard the pulsing from her orgasm thumped against my lips and vibrated through her lower body like an invisible tidal wave. Her body went limp as shivers of her pleasure continued to course through her.

Her legs remained splayed with the rest of her body spread beautifully over the table. Compelled by the sight, I studied the way her convulsing body bloomed so beautifully that her skin sported a full-body blush.

The last thing I wanted was to walk away from her because, damn! Reluctantly, I bent to retrieve my shirt that had fallen to the floor before I walked around the table. Her gaze followed me as I flipped my shirt in my hand, turning it to twist it into my make-shift rope.

She was stretching her neck to glance back across her shoulder. I continued to manipulate my shirt to allow the table leg to slide through one of the arm holes and have enough left to bind her hands.

“Give me your hands.”

Tags: Keta Kendric Romance