Page 14 of Hidden Chaos

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She took a moment to let my request sink in before she readjusted on the table, put her wrists together, and lifted them over her head. I locked my left hand around her wrists and turned her to aim her arms at the table’s thick leg before tying her securely to the table.

I admired the view while stepping around the table. The cute smirk on her face, her hard and tight nipples, and her blush-kissed flesh sparkled against the glow of the light shining in from the living room lamp. I marveled at the sight of her, not missing an opportunity to store the images in my memory.

By the time I caressed those silky legs that would soon be wrapped around my waist, my dick could double as a tire iron. I twisted the button of my jeans before slipping the zipper down while my eyes made conversation with her body, telling it how good I was about to fuck her. Patrena knew it too. She squirmed and twisted her tied wrists, the anticipation apparent in her begging gaze. There was also awareness in those sultry eyes. She knew I was making her wait on purpose. It was a good thing I was because she was deliciously wet and ready, her pussy glistening from her sweet honey seeping out to greet me.

A boot went flying in each direction from me toeing and flicking them off my feet. I withdrew my wallet from my back pocket and retrieved the condom I kept there. I damn near ripped my pants and boxers off, dragging my socks off along with them and kicking the pile out of my way once I had yanked them over my feet.

When I glanced up, I recognized something else I had missed in her eyes. The seduction and confidence that she wore on her face let me know she was not intimidated by her bound wrists. The table turned out to be the perfect length, height, and size like its purpose had been predetermined.

Her eyes grew wide, and she swallowed hard at the sight of me so hard and ready for her. My dick was so stiff, it looked angry. A few veins protruded and it had turned a stormy shade of pink. When Patrena sucked her bottom lip between her teeth, slid her feet back, and allowed her legs to fall open, I was done for.

My hands caressed her knees before I slid them up to the tops of her succulent hips. Once I had a good strong grip, I yanked her down hard, making our bodies collide and her wrists draw tight.

She gasped at the rough handling and the sparks of heated lust in her gaze revealed that she liked it. The twisted smirk she flashed when I used my shoulder as a stand for one of her legs and leaned forward to lick what I wanted to fuck, gave me the permission I needed to be as expressive as I desired. After ripping the wrapper off the condom, I rolled it on swiftly before leaning over her body and positioning myself between her splayed legs.

“I’m going to place my hand around your neck like this,” I told her, demonstrating my desire with a light hold. “Can I apply a little bit of pressure?”

She answered with a quick head nod. The excitement in her eyes was flashing brightly enough for me to read the answer in her gaze. At this point, she was so into this scene that she didn’t care what I did as long as I kept going.

“Ready?” I questioned, knowing the answer but wanting to hear it anyway.

“Yes,” she whispered. Her one-word consent was filled with enough seduction that it caused my dick to jump, but I got a hold of it and aimed teasingly at her beautiful slick pinkish-brown center. If I hadn’t been so enamored with the idea of fucking her, I would have snapped a picture to blow up and hang over my bed.

My jutting head sat at the pulsing opening of her sex and the sight of us about to become one gave me pause. I wanted to remember every single detail of this night, especially the way her eyes widened every time she put them on my dick, the way the pleading in her gaze set me on fire, and the way she freely opened herself to me. She made me feel so damn powerful and free, I swore I became a supernatural being.

I eased into her with a punishing stroke, pushing my pelvis forward and allowing an inch to enter. She was so tight and although my dick was happy for it, the rest of me was being tortured and wrestling with how to keep from forcing myself inside her.

Somehow, I maintained control and didn’t rush the flow, allowing her to take me in with careful movements and teasing thrusts. Her wet heat was all silky caresses, coating and squeezing around me like a wet, hot glove.

“Oh. Damn. Tywin,” she whispered. The sound of my name coming so seductively off her lips sent my senses soaring.

“Patrena,” I replied, unable to stop myself from vocalizing her name while thrusting into her. That was a first for me. Saying a woman’s name while fucking her. I drew back and drove back in, intoxicated by the heat and wetness that wrapped around me, squeezing, and caressing me so perfectly. Unable to stop myself, I yelled out, “Fuck!” before I repeated the movement and let the passion possess me and whisper secrets to me.

One of her honey-flavored legs was slung across my bicep so that her heel beat up my shoulder blade, and the other was wrapped around my lower back. I worked myself in and out of her until we became so slippery wet that I was able to thrust faster and harder. I reached a depth that took her breath away and forced her to yell out, “Yes! Fuck me!”

“Take this dick, baby!” I returned after a series of vigorous thrusts.

Our motivating chants and moans were as much a part of our sex as the sensations we were creating together, making it the best experience I’d ever had. I lifted the leg at my shoulder, putting the back of her ankle against the front of my shoulder and bit into her calf.

“Shit,” she whispered harshly at my love bite.


“Fuck! Ty! Shit!” She yelled and moaned at the same time, the words rushing out between loud gasps. The way her body surrendered to my demanding thrust and stimulating licks, she left no doubt that she enjoyed me smacking her ass while I was fucking the shit out of her.


“You’re going to make me cum!”


“I’m cumming. Oh fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” Patrena yelled at the top of her lungs, not caring who heard us.

“I’m cumming so fucking good!” she forced out on a sigh.

Her pussy was pulsating so hard that it took away my ability to hold back the strength of my desire. I pounded into her hard, causing the table to creak and grunt. The way it scraped across the floor made me believe it was about to break. I sensed the start of my release and prayed the table would last long enough to let us enjoy a lifetime in bliss-giving paradise.

I leaned in, not letting up on my deep pounding and bit her shoulder while I spilled into the condom with enough force that I was afraid it would rip. Inside her, I lived out my greatest fantasy and experienced the most erotic sensations of my life. I breathed deeply, inhaling a woman who’d captured a part of me I had deemed untouchable.

Tags: Keta Kendric Romance