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The knock on the door of my office almost sends my coffee flying across the room when I jump to my feet. I’ve been tense since I woke up this morning. I’d jacked off twice to the carnal images of feeling up my friend’s daughter in her car with my tongue down her throat, but nothing was dulling the ache. Nothing was quieting the roar in my cock. The crazy part is I don’t regret it. I don’t regret one second of the compromising position Serena Mitchell and I were in as we sat in my driveway last night. But that’s not why I’m tense. I’m tense because I want it again.

And again.

She’s like a drug; I had my first taste last night, and now I’m craving another hit. My hands keep flexing on their own as they remember cupping her perfect ass as she sat in my lap. My cock hardens every time I remember her rubbing against my dick. My mouth waters every time I remember running my tongue along her neck. I want my mouth on hers. Need her taste on my tongue. Need my hands wrapped around her tiny frame as she rubs against me.


My cock has already decided that Serena is on the other side of the door but it deflates instantly when I open the door and I’m met with Olivia, a cheeky smile plastered on her face before she sashays past me like she has the right to. I leave the door open so she’s not confused as to what’s going to happen here. She’s wearing that green pencil skirt that brings out the color in her eyes, that just last week, I had hiked around her waist as I feasted on her cunt.

“Miss Barrett?”

“Landon,” she purrs—actually purrs—at me. I hate when women do it so obviously. That forcibly sexy voice women take on when it’s not necessary. When men want you, they want you. The throaty voice, the hair flip, the sexy eyes—it’s not necessary once a man’s dick has been in your mouth. We don’t need the seduction at that point.

We’re a sure thing.

Unless we’re not interested.

And I’m no longer interested.

“Can I help you with something?” I stand in front of the open door, hoping she gets the picture that no one is getting off in this room.

Well, maybe me and Serena...

“I thought I could help you.” She smirks.

“Miss Barrett, you told me our arrangement was over.” I use my most professional voice, not loud enough for anyone outside of my office to hear, but it still creates the illusion that we are maintaining some level of professionalism.

“I think…I was hasty in my decision...” She looks behind me towards the open door. “Can we close the door?”

“Nope, we can’t. I have court soon, and I need to do a few things before then.”

“Like Mr. Mitchell’s daughter?” she asks, her voice laced with judgment.

I don’t ignore the spike in my adrenaline or my cock as I think about the “new girl” in question. “Watch yourself, Olivia.”

She shakes her head and rolls her eyes as she looks around my room. “You are such a cliché, Landon. The forbidden fruit really does it for you, huh? It’s not enough that she’s an intern,” she says with disdain, like the position is beneath her, like she didn’t start off as one herself.

“She’s already off limits, but you’ve got to take it a step further. Your partner’s daughter who’s young enough to be your daughter. What, is she a few years older than your son?” She scrunches her nose in disgust and tosses her hair over her shoulder. “I guess you do love a girl with daddy issues.”

“Enough, Olivia,” I snarl, my voice low, and even as I remember the open door behind me, I take a step towards her. “You wanted out. So, you’re out. You also said you were going to claim I sexually harassed you and forced you into a sexual relationship, so excuse me for not being eager to trust you again. To fuck you again.” I take a step closer to her and she backs up. “This conniving little ploy to get me to touch you due to some misplaced jealousy you have over Serena Mitchell is ridiculous. You said I wasn’t good for you, Olivia, so move on, and leave Serena out of it.”

Her mouth drops open and I can see she’s not like the others. The others cried, some even begged, some asked for one final fuck that I was more than happy to oblige, but most of them had their notice sent to HR seconds after their orgasms had waned. Olivia is different. Olivia has spunk and fire and a take no shit attitude that will make her the perfect partner one day. Sure, she has her share of issues that stem from a neglectful father, but she’ll make one hell of a lawyer. It’s part of the reason I was drawn to her.

She shakes her head with a wicked gleam in her eye. “You should leave Serena alone, Landon. She’s so young and naive, you’ll just ruin her like all the others…Haven’t you broken enough hearts?” She doesn’t give me a chance to respond before she’s out the door. I resist the urge to call her back and chew her out when I’m reminded of the conversation I had with P just last week.

“I swear on all that’s holy, West, if you cause another one of my paralegals to quit...Keep it the fuck in your pants, for God’s sake. What’s the matter with you? Do you know how hard it is to find a paralegal to keep up with me? How hard it is to break one in and train them to my exact preferences? I can’t keep finding a new one every six weeks. Fuck someone in another department. Fuck Frank’s team, I don’t care. Just stay away from mine.”

I close the door harder than I intended and spend the rest of the morning in my office, letting Olivia and Preston’s words that I do more harm than good swirl around my brain.

When I finally emerge from my office, my body is on high alert wondering just when I’m going to run into the sweet, young woman that I’d had in my arms just last night. Long gone are the self-deprecating thoughts I’d had in response to Olivia’s words. Now, I want to find Serena. A woman who is like no one I’d ever met let alone kissed. My eyes are all over the office, looking for her, and for a brief moment I think about going to Preston’s office to see where I can find her.

No, that’s too obvious. The less Preston knows about our interactions the better.

A gaggle of interns whisk past me, giggling into their coffees and shooting me nervous glances from over their files. I let out a breath, suddenly needing another cup of coffee but instead of sending Valerie out, I opt for the break room.

As soon as I turn the corner, a familiar scent surrounds me. It isn’t something I would necessarily call sweet. It’s spicy and the sense of nostalgia hits my brain before I can put the pieces together.

And then I see her.

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Campus Tales Romance