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She’s standing with her back to me as she waits for her coffee at the Keurig. Her hair is pulled into a high sleek ponytail and even from behind I see her fiddling with her glasses. She’s wearing a gray high waisted pencil skirt with a white cap-sleeved shirt tucked into it. Sheer stockings adorn her legs that I want to pull off with my teeth as I discover if they’re full stockings or the sexy ones that stop mid-thigh. As I ogle her from behind, I expect her to feel my gaze. To sense my presence. To know I’m behind her, salivating. But she doesn’t move.

Can’t she feel the heat between us? Am I the only one that notices this stifling tension?

“Serena.” The word is out of my mouth like a command. Like that word alone is enough to tell her what I want. Her shoulders square and her back stiffens as she turns around and gives me a weak smile.

“Hi, Landon.” Her words are so quiet, like a whisper, and for a moment I wonder if she’s nervous, if her heart is pounding in her chest. Her lips quirk up in a smile and her eyes light up behind her glasses. “Do you want some coffee?”

Coffee? She thinks I want to talk about coffee?

“No. I mean…yes. But…” I cross the room, grateful that there’s no one in here. “Where’s your father?”


“He didn’t take you…again?” I ask. What is the point of having her intern here if she isn’t going to get to see anything?

“It’s another closed hearing.”

“Bullshit.” I grunt. We take interns with us all the time. Her face falls and I wonder if I’ve confirmed what she’d been thinking. “What are you doing this afternoon?” I ask, wanting nothing more than to take that sad look off her face, and knowing exactly how to do it.

“Ummm…” she starts.

“You’re coming with me.”

“With you…?” She cocks her head to the side in question, and I’m reminded that perhaps she thinks I mean something else.

“To court,” I finish.

“Really?” Her eyes widen even brighter than when she saw me for the first time just moments ago, and for a moment, my ego is bruised.

She’s more excited at the idea of going to court, than the idea of going to court

I straighten my tie slightly and take a step back, forcing my hands into my pockets so that I don’t touch her. “Yes, I go in at two. You’re welcome to come.”

“I would love to, thank you!” She claps her hands and spins around to grab the coffee behind her. “Here,” she says. “I was making it for you anyway. I…I asked Valerie what you liked.” I expect a blush or any sign of nervousness but her features give nothing away.

“Thank you.” No one had ever made me coffee without me asking. Correction: telling. Jana didn’t even make me coffee in the morning when we were married.

She rarely made me anything for that matter.

She hands me the cup and when our fingers graze each other, a spark ignites from her fingertips, setting me on fire. The room is so quiet I hear her breath hitch and that sound is enough to make me broach the subject.

I rub the back of my neck. “Serena…” I start when I’m suddenly aware that we are no longer alone.

“Hey, Serena.” The voice is of the male persuasion. Young, with a deep timbre that triggers my possessiveness. I am the jealous type through and through, which is why things with Jana could have never worked out once I learned of her infidelity. So, anyone sniffing around Serena when just yesterday I’d kissed those perfect lips with every intention to kiss her everywhere else, is not. fucking. happening.

Her eyes flit to mine like she can hear every thought in my head. Her beautiful hazel eyes are nervous and wondering if I’m going to tell this guy, whose name I probably don’t even know to back the fuck off. I turn towards the source of the voice and sure enough, no clue. Jake? Jack? James? No idea, he’s a mid-level associate, I think, but I can’t be sure.

“Hey, Justin,” she says with a friendly smile.

He must finally notice that they’re not alone because he acknowledges me with a nod, assumedly trying to impress Serena, because most mid-level associates are scared to death of me. They go to Preston most of the time, or Frank if it’s something basic and easy. “Mr. West.”

I nod back. For a moment the three of us stand there in the awkward silence as both he and I wait for the other guy to make their exit. “Serena, are we still on for lunch, today?” he finally speaks, when he realizes I’m not going anywhere.

She looks at me for a beat, before finding his gaze. “Yes.” She nods. “I mean, sure. That sounds good.” Her tone is non-committal but her words are enough to awaken the beast.

Fuck that.

“Actually, Miss Mitchell will be joining me in court this afternoon.” I turn to Serena. “Unless you’ve changed your mind about coming?” The wording I choose doesn’t escape me and most women I know would pick up on the innuendo instantly, but not Serena.

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Campus Tales Romance