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I curse myself for the fifth when I’m in front of Skyler’s door pounding on it at two in the morning. “Baby, open the door, please.” I’m leaning against the door, knocking every few seconds when it opens and I almost fall through. I manage to catch my balance and she closes the door behind me.

“What are you doing here?” she asks and I take a second to look at her. She’s wearing CGU sweatpants and one of my Harvard faculty t-shirts that I had from my time there. Her face is pale and her eyes are red, like she’s been bawling for the past few hours. Her hair is up in a ponytail with several strands falling from the holder, and I notice her lip trembling slightly.

“I needed you to know something.” I hiccup and she sighs, letting her eyes close.

“You’re drunk.”

“No.” I hiccup again. Fuck. Get it together, Aidan. “Don’t make me leave.”

I can tell she’s at war with herself about whether she should do just that when she walks by me and into her kitchen. I follow closely behind her and almost bump into her when she hands me a bottle of water. “Why are you here?”

“Because I love you. And…I hate that you hate me. That I fucked everything up.”

“You didn’t fuck anything up. And I certainly don’t hate you.” She swallows. “But let’s circle back to the first thing…you love me?”

“Very much.”

Tears swim in her eyes and threaten to move down her cheeks, but she brushes them away. “But it doesn’t change anything, does it?”

“I couldn’t have you…going on with your life thinking that things weren’t real for me too. That I didn’t feel…what you felt.”

Her breath hitches and then the tears are moving down her face rapidly and I hate myself for putting them there. “Please,” she whimpers, “don’t.”

I wrap my arms around her and press her face to my chest. “Princess, please don’t cry.”

“I don’t want to say goodbye to you. I can’t.” Her pleas make my heart beat faster and I wish I could do something to take away her pain.

“If I would have known that the last time I touched you was the last time, I never would have let go,” I whisper in her ear. “I wouldn’t have fucked you against the door. I would have laid you down and worshipped every inch of your body. I would have made love to you until our bodies couldn’t go on another second. I would have memorized you.”

She looks up at me, her gaze watery and pained. “You can do that now…” she whispers and my cock springs to life, screaming at my body to sober up.

“Skyler…” I trail off.

She nods her head once and backs up out of my arms. “I get that we can’t be together, but maybe…one more time?” She puts one finger up, bites down on her bottom lip, and I lose it. I crush my lips to hers, groaning into her perfect mouth before lifting her into my arms. I’m kissing her like it’s the last time and I pour everything into it. She’s kissing me back with equal fervor and I melt into her lips, carrying her to her couch and sitting her in my lap.

“My bedroom…” She points to the room that I’ve spent just as much time in as she has since she moved in, and I nod.

“I know. We’ll get there. I’m not in a rush. Unless…you want to go back to bed?”

“I wasn’t sleeping,” she mumbles. “I couldn’t sleep. And I would give up all of my sleep for one last night with you.”

“You know why I’m doing this, right? I hate that I’m hurting you.”

“I understand.” She looks down at where she’s sitting on top of me and I can’t wait until I can feel her skin to skin. “I don’t like it though.”

“Bella…” I trail kisses down her neck and she raises her arms allowing me to pull my t-shirt over her head.

“Can I keep that?” Her eyes find the shirt on the ground.

“I’m keeping all the underwear I’ve stolen,” I tell her, jokingly, though I’m one hundred percent serious.

She furrows her brow and looks at me. “Please don’t joke.”

“I’m sorry, princess.” I look at her naked chest, and run my fingers over her nipples, tweaking them between my fingers. “So perfect.”

“Hai cambiato la mia vita, Aidan,” she whispers. You changed my life. “It’ll go on, but it’ll be different.” She plays with the buttons on my shirt, undoing them slowly one by one and kissing every inch of skin that’s exposed beneath it. “I love you,” she whispers before she nuzzles my neck. She stands up out of my arms and slides her sweatpants and underwear down her legs before tossing them to the side, leaving her completely naked in front of me. My mouth waters and I palm my cock, willing the ache away so I don’t explode before I’m inside of her. I unbutton my slacks and pull them off along with my briefs and begin to stroke my cock at the sight of her. She moves back to my lap and smacks my hand away before she slides down on me with nothing between us. “Fuck,” she whispers.

“Ti amo,” I whisper in her ear as she slides down. I love you. She cries out in response, more than likely due to me filling her completely, but I think my words helped.

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Campus Tales Romance