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“I don’t know anything. And quite frankly, for thirty-two, you act like a fucking college fuckboy. Say what you mean and mean what you say.” She crosses her arms in front of her and I don’t miss the glaze in her eye, making me remember that she’d had more than a little bit to drink tonight.

“Fair. I shouldn’t have said that. I’m sorry. I’m a bit out of my depth navigating a relationship with someone I can’t have.”


“Whatever you want to call this.” I rub a hand behind my head. “How much have you had to drink, Skyler?” She swallows and looks around, shifting nervously from one foot to the other. “Answer me,” I order her.

“Like one or two?” She puts her two fingers up innocently and holds them next to her cheek.

“Bullshit. You can barely focus your eyes,” I growl at her and she frowns.

“What do you even care? You’re not my father. You’re not my boyfriend. Just leave me alone, Aidan.” She backs up slightly and I wonder if she’s going to leave, but I don’t give her the option as I grab her hand.

“You don’t think I want to!?” I raise my voice louder than I intend but it isn’t enough to alert anyone given the volume of the music. I pull my hat down lower over my eyes and glower at the drunk but unbelievably pretty girl swaying against me. “I’m taking you home.”

“With you?” she squeaks and I don’t miss the way my cock twitches at the thought of her writhing underneath me.

“Yes, but we’re not doing anything.”

You sure about that?

Skyler’s heels are off her feet before I’ve even shut the door of my apartment, and she turns around in the space. Never in a million years did I think I would ever have a drunk college student in my apartment at one in the morning.

But then again, I never saw Skyler coming.

“Your place is cute!” She peeks her head around the kitchen and living room before turning to look at me. “Can I see your bedroom?”

I swallow hard, my Adam’s apple bobbing in my throat as I try to hold on to some shred of control so that I don’t end up taking this drunk nineteen year old on my kitchen counter. I’m old enough to know better.

But I may have been just young enough not to care.

“Skyler…” I trail off as I pull my hat off and toss it on the counter. “We can’t have sex.”

“And why not?”

“Well, for starters, because you said you weren’t having sex with me anymore.”

She twists her face into a sexy pout and stares at the ceiling as if she’s trying to recall saying that. “That wasn’t me.”

“Oh? You sure? Because…I have the texts.”

“Nope. No idea who that was.” She walks towards my fridge and opens it like she owns the place. “Ooh beer!” She pulls one out and pops it open before I have a chance to stop her.

“Skyler, baby, you’ve had enough.”

“Did you just call me…?” She pulls the can out of my reach and backs up. “So, I’m baby again?”

I ignore her comment. The word had slipped out of my mouth so casually, as if I’ve been saying it for years. “Can I have the beer?” I hold my hand out, wanting to stop her from drinking anymore and adding to the hangover I know she will have tomorrow.

She takes a long gulp of it and hands it to me. I sigh when I realize it’s half empty. “Skyler, you have class in the morning. We should get some sleep.” I’m expecting an argument, but I start to see the exhaustion setting in all over her face. She lets out a sigh and pulls her hair from the bun, letting it fall to her shoulders in sexy waves.

“I assume you don’t have any makeup wipes?” she asks me. Her eyes have started to droop and she rubs at them, smearing her mascara under her eyes.

“Afraid not.” I lead her down the hall towards my bedroom, holding her small hand in mine and wishing it was wrapped around my dick instead.

“An extra toothbrush?” she asks and I shake my head. She sits on my bed just before sending her skirt down her legs and leaving her in her crop top and a pair of underwear that look more like dental floss. I’m hanging on by an actual thread at this point, so I immediately move to my dresser and pull a pair of sweatpants out of a drawer for her to wear. I turn around and I see that she’s disappeared into my bathroom.

I let out the breath I realize I’ve been holding. Aidan, keep your hands to your fucking self. I rub my jaw, wondering if maybe I should just sleep on the couch so that I’m not tempted to touch her where I know I shouldn’t.

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Campus Tales Romance