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I lean back in my chair, a smug grin finding my face that I’m glad she can’t see. “Is that so?”

“Yes. Really good. But I have to move on. La vita va Avanti, remember?”

I nod. She doesn’t sound all that sure of that affirmation, but I chalk it up to the alcohol coursing through her system. “I remember.”

“So, you’re…the past. Not the future.” I hear her talking to someone. “No, go away, Peyton.” She snorts. “I’m not going to tell him that.” I strain to listen, wondering what Peyton advised her to tell me. “Because!” Silence. “Peyton wants me to tell you, that I am hot and I will find another guy that appreciates me.” I hear more shuffling. “What? That’s what you said!”

I’m not mad that I’ve been drunk dialed by this college student who isn’t even legally old enough to drink. I’m mad that she mentioned herself with another guy. No one better fucking touch her.

“Skyler, where are you?”

“At a bar.” She giggles. “Using my fake ID.”

“I wish you’d stop that shit.”

“Well…that’s not your call, now is it?”

“Which bar?”

“What…you’re going to come here? I wouldn’t if I were you. This place is crawling with college students. One might recognize ya.”

“I’ll risk it. Now tell me,” I order.

With a Boston Red Sox hat pulled low over my head, a Harvard t-shirt and jeans, I look like I may just pass for a college student. Or hell, at least someone under the age of thirty. I pull up to the bar, and make my way inside, grateful that I don’t have to wait in a line too long. The bar is massive, way bigger than Lush and I find myself wondering how the hell I’m going to find her in the sea of people that are already heavily intoxicated. The bar is packed causing people to filter out onto the patio that is lit by twinkling lights. The bass thumps in my ears and vibrates through my system as I watch students enjoy their time before the semester really starts and going out on a Tuesday night becomes a distant memory. I make my way through the crowd and my ears immediately perk up when I hear a high pitched squeal followed by “Sky!” I whip my head towards the source of the sound and my eyes almost pop out of my head when I see Skyler.

Fuck. Me.

She’s wearing a black crop top that shows far too much skin, both cleavage and midriff with a long skirt that stops just above her ankles. She has on heels that give her a little bit of height and her hair is off her shoulders in a sexy bun that I want to pull on as I fuck her from behind. She looked hot as fuck. My eyes move behind her to see that she is dancing with some douche in a polo and boat shoes whose hands are secured around her waist as she shakes her ass against him. Her hands raise up every few seconds, her hips swaying to the beat and revealing even more of her tan torso. A torso I’d had my mouth all over no more than five hours ago. Fuck that.

The reasonable side of me urges that I hang back and wait to make sure that said guy isn’t a student at CGU. Or at least until she finishes dancing with him so that I don’t embarrass her.

But the other side, a much stronger more overbearing side, roars that no one can touch Skyler. That she’s mine and that fucker doesn’t know who he’s messing with.

I push through the crowd before my reasonable side can stop me until I’m standing in front of her, my hat low, and staring her down. Our eyes lock and her breath hitches, almost as if she doesn’t recognize me yet. I grab her shoulders and pull her towards me, out of the grip of the guy behind her and realization must dawn on her because she gasps. Her teeth find her bottom lip but other than that she doesn’t react. “Aidan,” she mouths.

“What the fuck dude, we were dancing,” the guy says to me, but I don’t look at him. I don’t even acknowledge him as I lead her away. My hand slides around her shoulder possessively.

“And now you’re not.”

“What the fuck?”

“She was using you to make me jealous. Get over it,” I call over my shoulder. I’m not sure if he heard me, but I’m positively sure I don’t care.

“Are you?” she asks as she looks up at me.

“Am I what?” I pull her out of the crowd, into a less crowded area, and pull her into my arms. Her skin is soft and I want to run my hands over every inch of her.


Yes.“What do you think?” She nods her head and I lean down to press my lips to the space behind her ear. “We’ve already been over that. I don’t share.”

“But you don’t want me at all.”

“I never said that.”

“You said I’m a good fuck but you don’t want to get fired over it.”

I wince, hearing the brutal words thrown back at me. I regretted it the second I said it.“You’re more than a good fuck, Skyler. You know that.”

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Campus Tales Romance