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The class is set up like an atrium, with each row of seats slightly higher than the one in front of it, and I’m grateful to be more off to the side so I’m not in his direct line of sight.

“Good afternoon everyone, I’m Doctor Aidan Reed and this is Social Justice 101. I realize that there’s a slight difference in the syllabus, but I do believe that everyone should have received the email that Professor Billings would not be your teacher this semester. If that serves to be a problem for anyone, please come talk to me. I promise, I’m a really nice guy. And I’ll probably let you turn your final in a day late.” He chuckles and everyone in the class cheers. Except me. I’m sweating in my seat, actual beads of sweat form on my forehead, and I still haven’t looked at him. Even now, I can’t even enjoy the fact that the best sex of my life is within twenty feet of me.

“I don’t really have many rules. Be on time. Eating is fine. Computers are fine. Just be respectful of the people around you. Wherever you’ve chosen to sit is your seat for the semester so I hope you’re comfortable. I’m passing around a seating chart that I’ll pass around at the start of every class. Now, frankly, I don’t care if you come to class or not, but if you choose to come, there’s something in it for you. If you attend every class you can get up to five extra credit points at the end of the semester. Those points fluctuate if you miss a class.”

Great. No skipping.

“God, he’s hot, right?” Lily whispers and I don’t respond. God girl, hush! Don’t draw his attention over here. “I mean I’ve never had a hot teacher…do you think, he’ll offer office hours?” Back off bitch, my subconscious perks up.

Not fucking now! Aren’t I in enough trouble?

I still haven’t looked at her or even towards Aidan and my eyes are now screwed shut, willing the fifty minutes by faster.

“Do you have a question, miss?” Fuck. Don’t look. Do not look.

“Oh. Umm no. Sorry,” I hear Lily squeak out. You just couldn’t shut the fuck up.

“How about you, miss, trying to pretend she doesn’t know I’m talking to her.” He chuckles and the entire class snickers. My face flushes bright red as I prepare to meet my fate. I turn slightly, and when my eyes meet his, I have a flash of Saturday night. Writhing underneath him, screaming his name into the dark room. His mouth on me, his cock inside of me, his lips on mine. He must be having the same thoughts because his eyes widen and his mouth drops open though he recovers rather quickly, averting his gaze from mine. “Right, well, if no one has any questions, then we can proceed.”

For the next fifty minutes, time actually stands still. The second the minute ticks to twelve fifty I want nothing more than to haul ass out of there, but I know I need to face Aidan. Without prying eyes. I stay seated and wait as my classmates file out. I watch as Lily and a few other girls wait in line to talk to him. I cross my arms, watching as they shamelessly flirt with him while I seethe. If I can’t have him, you certainly can’t. Stop embarrassing yourself.

After ten minutes of watching this fucking charade, and ignoring two of Peyton’s phone calls and texts wondering if I had gotten lost on the way to the quad for lunch, I get up, pull my sunglasses over my eyes and proceed to strut past Doctor Reed and his groupies.

Am I fucking jealous? Do I really crave his attention that bad? When I was hoping to avoid it for most of the morning?

I’ve barely taken two steps out of the classroom, a sigh of relief leaving my lips, when I feel a hand wrap around my elbow and I’m being pulled hard through the halls. “Ai—Doctor Reed…” I say as I struggle, yet again, to keep up with his strides. He doesn’t say anything for the entire walk, down one hall and then down another. I watch as he puts his key in a door and then I’m being pushed inside and he slams it behind us. I realize as he flicks the lights on that we’re in his office and I suddenly feel claustrophobic, enclosed in this small space with this man and our raging hormones.

Well, maybe just mine.

He might have something else raging.

“WHAT THE FUCK, SKYLER!?” he booms and I shake slightly at his tone.

I run through a bunch of scenarios in my head, trying to figure out what the best course of action is before I turn around and face him, pulling my sunglasses from my face and sliding them into my bag.


Seduce him.


Blame him.

Play dumb.

All of the above?

I turn around and wince slightly. “Okay, you’re pissed. Umm…but, well, see…” I don’t say anything for a moment and when I meet his gaze, I can see the fury softening.

“Tell me you’re at least eighteen.” I can sense the panic in his voice and I’m happy I can at least ease those fears.

“Yes!” I say quickly. “I’m nineteen. I took a year off after high school, I told you.”

“Oh. You told me? You told me a lot of things. Glad to know you can tell the truth about some things.” He shakes his head. “You said you were a grad student. And TWENTY-TWO. How the fuck did you even get into that bar?”

I cock my head to the side as if to say, what do you think?

“God, I fucked a girl that still has to use a fake ID. Christ, Skyler, I’m thirty fucking two. And your TEACHER.”

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Campus Tales Romance