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“Fuck.” I toss my phone on my bed as I scramble to finish getting ready for class. I’d put off messaging him all day yesterday, knowing I’d needed to figure out just what he was teaching, but I was too much of a chicken to do it. I pull on my gray leather jacket over a white t-shirt and slide my sunglasses into my hair. I slip my feet into flats and do a spin in the mirror, taking in my outfit. I look down at my bare legs, extending from a black mini-skirt, and I am pleased that I still have a good tan.

There’s a knock at my door and I call towards it. “It’s open, Peyton!” I’d offered to drive her to campus today because one, I didn’t know exactly where to go or where to park, and two, Peyton had actually grown on me.

“I brought coffee!” Oh, and she offered to bring coffee. “Even though I believe it was you, Bella, that was supposed to bring me coffee for getting you some hot sex with Boston Hottie!” She shoots me a look as she hands me a cup of the steaming liquid that I pray will make me feel better.

I ignore her comment, because right now despite the hot sex I had, I could strangle her for getting me into my current predicament. “He’s a fucking Criminal Justice professor. I’m going to have him as a professor, I just know it!” I shriek as soon as she enters my bedroom.

“Well, isn’t this just a comedy of errors?” Peyton shakes her head and plops down on my bed, pressing the paper cup to her lips as she stifles a giggle.

“Peyton, this isn’t funny. He is going to fucking lose it. Why did I listen to you about changing my age?! He wouldn’t have paid me a second look if he knew I was nineteen.”

“What makes you think that? You’re hot, Sky. Like really hot. AND guys like younger girls. The closer you are to jailbait the better.” She points at me.

I scrunch my nose and shake my head. “Aidan isn’t like that.”

“Oh, and you know that because of all the time he spent inside of you? You’re right, Sky, he fucked a girl he just met on the first night, on his first weekend in a new city, from an app he joined for the sole purpose of casual sex…” She gives me a thumbs-up. “He really gives a fuck that you lied about your age.”

“He’s going to care when I show up in his class!”

“Then you transfer out.” She rolls her eyes and blows her hair from her eyes. “You’re being really dramatic, and I haven’t finished this cup yet.”

“I’m going to shit my pants if I have him as a teacher.”

“Don’t you have like a schedule or something?” I hear the sarcasm dripping from her voice. “Why don’t you just check?”

“Brilliant! But I don’t know his last name.” I grab my schedule from my bag.

“His first name should still be on there.” I sit on my bed scanning my schedule and I breathe a sigh of relief when I don’t see Aidan listed anywhere on my schedule. “See you’re panicking for nothing. So, he’s teaching in your major but it doesn’t mean you’ll have him.”

“You’re right, and I’ll tell him tonight at dinner. And if he hates me and never wants to see me again, at least I can rest assured that I won’t have to face him every day.”

“Exactly. Now, come on, the parking lot is a traffic jam in the mornings.”

I’d gotten through two classes already, my heart pounding out of my chest through the first ten minutes of each just waiting for Aidan to manifest. By noon, I was starting to calm down, knowing that, one, I’d be getting lunch with Peyton soon, and two, I might make it through the day without any run-ins. I’ve even opted for a seat in the second row of the sixty person lecture. In the other two classes, I’d sat in the back, something I hated, but I was so worried he’d show up, I knew I needed an escape method, or at least to be able to hide behind someone tall. But I prefer to sit in the front. I’m not thrilled about being back in school, but I’ll admit I was a teacher’s pet. A girl sits next to me, dropping her bag on the floor and begins to fluff her red wavy hair in a compact mirror. “So, what do you think he’ll look like?”

I look around wondering who she’s talking to. “I beg your pardon?”

“The new professor. I hear he’s gorgeous.”


“There’s a change in the syllabus, didn’t you get the email last week?” She doesn’t look at me, as she has now taken out a tube of lipstick and has begun reapplying.

“Umm… no? I mean…I don’t think so? I was having an issue with my emails until this morning.” My heart begins to race in my chest. I was almost home free. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

“Ah, well the initial professor had a conflict in the schedule or his wife had a baby or something. Anyway, we have a new professor.”

My heart races at her words. “And…”

“And word on the street is he’s gorgeous. Like, total babe.”

“Do…do you know his name?”

“Ummm, I’m blanking.” She pulls her phone out. “I’m Lily.”

“Sk—Skyler,” I stutter, my body slowly shutting down as it braces for impact. Oh my God. Oh my God. I turn around in the class and notice that the seats are all starting to fill up. Maybe I should just leave before he gets here. I start to stand when the door opens and the object of my fantasies for the past day and a half comes strutting into the room looking even better than he did on Saturday. I immediately plant myself back in my seat just as I hear a “hot as fuck” fall from Lily’s lips.

I put a hand over my eyes and turn away from him as much as I can. You gonna hide for fifty minutes, Sky?

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Campus Tales Romance