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“I know that, Santiago. I fuckin’ love you too. Do you know that?”

His lips curled, eyes softened, breath exhaled. “Yeah, baby girl. I do.”

I pressed my finger to his chin. “One more thing.”


“I need you to meet Theo. If you’re going to be his stepdad, we have to make sure he likes you.”

He laughed, dropping his head to my shoulder. “All right. If getting to have you means I have to be a stepdad to a cat with a completely ridiculous name, guess I’m doing it.”

I pulled him with me to my room, where Theodore Ignacius Longbottom had made himself at home at the foot of my bed. When Santiago and I walked in, Theo stood, eyed him with utter disdain, then flounced out of the room, fluffy tail swishing.

“What—does that cat fucking hate me?” Santiago’s eyebrows shot up into his hairline. “Did I fail the test?”

“He probably does hate you.” I curled my arms around his waist. “He hates everyone except me and Haven. But I kind of just wanted to get you in here. My head is still killin’ me and I thought maybe you’d be DTS.”

Santiago’s face transformed from worried to joyous. His broad smile lit up his eyes, and if I was feeling cheesy—which I was—it lit up my heart too.

“I told you there’s no world where I would get tired of touching you.” He wrapped his long arms around my shoulders, holding me against his chest. Warm lips pressed against my temple and forehead. “I’ve come home.”

I tipped my head back, smiling at my man. “Funny, I have too.”

After locking Theo out of my bedroom, we climbed beneath the covers of my bed, meeting in the middle. Santi held me, snuggling me the way only he could. The kisses he pressed on my head eased some of my hangover. The kisses he pressed on my lips filled my heart.

Eventually, our hands roamed, and soft kisses went deeper. He sucked my tongue and gripped my neck. I slipped a hand down the waist of his jeans, finding him hot and hard. He rocked into my grasp even as his mouth moved down my neck and chest.

At some point, my friends came home, but they might as well have been on another planet. My bed was our island. We were the only ones around for miles.

Santi pulled away from me to take out his phone, sliding his thumb along the screen. Music spilled from the speakers, music that was louder than Haven and Yael’s voices. Didn’t matter what it was. The only sounds that registered were Santi’s grunts each time I moved my palm up and down his length.

Clothing was shed, tossed aside and unimportant. His body was warm, solid, every inch of him pressed against every inch of me. My small room, my fluffy covers, and our embrace cocooned us. We were wrapped up in my blankets and each other.

Santiago moved, shifted, slid. Belly down, he laid between my legs, spreading them with his palms. The first sweep of his tongue up my center had me shaking. He kept going, licking, sucking, thrusting his tongue into me. He moaned as he tasted me. Made me so wet, I could hear it.

At first, I clutched at my sheets, fisting them while biting my lip to keep my noises down. Then, when I needed him, I clutched his hair instead. It was crazy, messy, in desperate need of a trim, but so good for holding onto when he was between my legs.

When I came, my mouth fell open, but no noise came out. Silent, but no less in agony. And the kind of agony Santiago gave me was so very sweet.

He rose above me, looking down at me. His eyes traveled a path from my face to my breasts to my pussy, which was so wet, my thighs were coated and slick.

His fist moved slow, up and down his cock, all while he looked me over. I’d never felt so desired and beautiful. The sun shone in through the blinds over my windows, and instead of hiding from the bright light, I basked in it.

“I could look at you forever.” His voice was filled with awe. “You look like forever.”

My heart stuttered. I couldn’t wait any longer to have him on top of me, covering me, filling me. I reached for him, and he came, pushing inside me in one smooth motion. I cried his name, and he answered with a kiss.

Drawing his hips back, he plunged back in as deep as he could. We were kissing and rocking into each other. Hangover forgotten, the world falling away, it was only us.

My fingers dug into the muscles of his shoulders and back, clinging to him like a life raft in a storm. He kept me from completely drowning in the wracking waves of pleasure washing over me.

Eyes locked, I saw in him the man I’d known he was. Strong enough to be soft. Confident enough to reveal his weaknesses. Rough, but careful.

“Maeve, baby, you make me dizzy. That pussy…” He surged into me, pounding hard. Calloused hands kneaded my breasts, and he bent, sucking my nipples while grunting against them. “These tits. You’re too pretty. I’m about to embarrass myself, ’cause there’s no way I can last much longer. Not with your sweet pussy wrapped around my dick the way it is and your clover eyes looking at me like I’m the best thing you’ve ever seen.”

My inner muscles clamped down harder. “You are. The best, Santiago.”

Grunting louder, pushing deeper, he slid his hand under the back of my neck to lift my head and devour my mouth. He kissed me senseless, tongue thrusting, sliding, teeth nibbling, lips sucking. He whispered my name as we kissed, whispered he loved me and only me. Every word made my core tighten, and when he pulled away to meet my gaze again, it was the adoring look in his eyes that did me in.

Tags: Julia Wolf Unrequited Romance