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“I’m good, but thank you. That’s the sweetest offer I’ve had all year.”

He headed out a little while later, and Theo made himself scarce, getting tired of my foul mood, no doubt rubbing his butt all over my things.

Ah, home sweet home.

Haven and I ordered my favorite sushi and sake, even though it was only midday. This occasion called for afternoon drinks.

I spilled everything, and she shook her head so much, I was afraid it would break off.

“Stop shakin’ your head, you’re makin’ me dizzy.”

“I can’t believe Santiago offered his brother your spot without talking to you first.” Haven’s face had gone red. Steam practically billowed from her ears. Before this, Scott Porter was the only one who’d made her this livid.

“I guess it’s his spot, and I was just fillin’ in…”

She slammed her chopsticks on the table. “No way, girl. That wasyourspot you earned. Diego gave it up. He doesn’t get to flounce back in and take it, not when you’ve been kicking ass. I mean, you have a write-up in freakingRolling Stone.”

“Dot com,” I said.

“Dot fucking cum all over Santiago’s stupid face. Who cares if it’s only digital? The point is, you’re big time. Diego’s yesterday’s news. Unrequited clearly has no idea what they’re doing if they replace you with him.”

“I’m not goin’ to talk trash about Diego.”

“I’m not either. His actions speak for themselves. Santiago, Mo, and Murray are on my shit list. Bunch of wiener schnitzels.”

I slumped over, cradling my head with both hands. “I don’t even know if Mo and Murray are in on the decision. It could be one-hundred percent Santi, which, god, makes it that much worse.”

Haven rubbed tight circles in the middle of my back. “Here’s today’s game plan: you take a long nap, then we get dressed up cute and hit Low Bar. They owe you lots of free drinks for all the crap you put up with there.”

“I don’t know…I was plannin’ on wallowing.”

She clapped. “Perfect. You’ll be hungover tomorrow, and wallowing shall commence. Tonight, we look cute, dance, and forget about our troubles.”

After agreeing, since there was no use in arguing with Haven once she had an idea, I went to my room to lie down, with Theo right beside me. Before I closed my eyes, I turned my phone back on. There were texts. Lots of them.

I didn’t read them.

I texted Yael, letting her know where I was. I’d already skipped out on her once, I wouldn’t do that again. She texted back that she was in New York for the weekend and would be meeting us at Low Bar tonight to drink to how awful dudes were.

I sent Santiago a message too, ignoring all the ones he’d sent while my phone was off.

I’m at my place, safe and sound. Taking a nap now. Will talk later.

Santi:You know I’m coming for you, right?

I shuddered.

Me:No, I didn’t know. I have plans with Haven tonight.

Santi:You get one night. ONE. NIGHT. Then we’re going to talk like fucking adults, because I love your face and I do not like that you’re states away from me, not answering my calls, making plans to go out with your friends while you’re pissed at me.

The three dots were moving, indicating he was typing something else, but I’d read enough.

Me:Goodnight, Santiago. I’m turning my phone off now.

Haven wouldn’t let me wear one of my ripped up concert tees, and to be honest, I was getting a little tired of them. Instead, I wore skinny jeans and a V-neck that dipped low enough to occasionally provide a pretty clear view of my red lace bra.

After a three-hour nap, my head was less muddled, but being able to think straight only made me more sad. My contract with Unrequited had only been through the tour, but Clark had pulled me aside toward the end and told me the label wanted me to stay on, so the decision was up to my bandmates—and them not wanting me was a slap in the freaking face.

Tags: Julia Wolf Unrequited Romance