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The train almost rocked me to sleep. It was obscenely early, and I hadn’t really slept...well, since the plane back to the States. But I was on my way back to my best friend and my best cat, and even my creaky bed which should have been thrown out a decade ago sounded good.

I wiped moisture from beneath my eye.Not a tear, not a tear, no way I am crying in public over a guy.

My phone vibrated in my purse. A phone call, which I would not answer. At least, not at this moment. If I answered Santiago’s call, then I surely would cry in public. Probably yell a few choice words too—words that would make my mama blush crimson, then wash my mouth out with soap.

My phone vibrated again and again. I peeked at the screen.

Santi:You left? Maeve, you’re killing me. Why would you leave?

Santi:If you had an emergency, I would’ve taken you. Please, just let me know you’re okay. Tell me what’s going on.

Santi:Come on, baby girl.

Knowing he wouldn’t stop texting if I didn’t reply, I sent him one text, and that was all he’d be getting from me today.

I’m fine. No emergency. Couldn’t stay there anymore. I won’t be a secret ever again. I’m turning my phone off now. I’ll be in touch.

Thumb pressing the power button, the screen went dark before I could see if he replied.

Last night, I’d gotten my heart broken for the second time by Santiago Garza. The instant he dropped my hand, my stomach dropped right along with it. I tried to tell myself he was being careful of Diego’s feelings, which I understood, even though it seemed to be to my detriment.

I would have stayed to see how things went in the morning, but as I was walking down the hall to use the restroom, their voices drifted up the stairs. I could be as nosy as the next person, but I wasn’t an eavesdropper. However, my name was mentioned, and I couldn’t help listening. I’d missed some bits and pieces, but the bits I’d heard were devastating, and the pieces had me switching my ticket to the first train out.

“...Maeve fit in with the band?”

“...good...not the same...come back?”

“I don’t know...not sure what I’m...about Maeve?”

“No worries...Mo and Murray will dig it...Maeve’ll understand…”

“...Can’t do that…”

“She’ll understand.”

I’d stopped listening at that point and returned to the tiny guest bedroom I’d been sequestered to. The bed had been hard as a board, but sleep wasn’t going to come anyway. I’d spent my last few hours in Santi’s house staring at the ceiling and cursing weak men, promising myself I’d find a girl band who’d be loyal until their dying breath and talking myself out of loving him. At some point, my doorknob jiggled and my name was whispered through the locked door, but I’d ignored it, and it came as no surprise Santiago didn’t fight for me.

At four in the morning, I got up, carted my bags downstairs as quiet as I could, then calmly baked the mini spice cakes I’d intended to make yesterday. I left them cooling on the counter with a note saying I’d taken an early train, Santiago’s hoodie folded in a neat square beneath it.

Haven and Liam waited for me on the curb when my taxi pulled up in front of our building. Liam took my bags, and Haven took me.

“Hey, lover.” She squeezed my shoulder.

I sighed. “Hi, sugar britches. You’re a sight for sore eyes.”

“You too, honey.”

We climbed the stairs of our walk-up, where Theo was waiting right inside the door. He let out a screechingmeow,then ran at me, ramming his head into my shin.

“Holy hell, Theodore, what a welcome.” I scooped that guy right up and buried my face in his fluffy fur. He made a few obligatory noises of protest before settling against me, his motor running at full force as we nuzzled each other.

“I’m gonna throw these in your room, okay?” Liam didn’t bother waiting for an answer before heading down the short hall with my bags. He popped out a second later, hands tucked in his pockets. “You okay, Maeve?”

I scrunched my face a bit. “I’m sad, and kind of pissed. I need a day or two to wallow, then I’ll rally.”

“Need me to take someone out? I will.” Liam pounded his fist into his palm, making me laugh. He was the sweetest human in existence and couldn’t hurt a fly, even if that fly was eating his face. It was the thought that made me love him.

Tags: Julia Wolf Unrequited Romance