Page 23 of Mafia Prince

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“I’m only on his team because I choose not to witness a massacre tonight.”

“Fuck!” The longer I stood there, the angrier I became. Knowing Layla was with that son of a bitch, thinking about what the fuck he was doing with her was driving me crazy.

“I’m not leaving here without her.”

Antonio straightened. “You don’t have a choice.”

“Fuck that!”

“Dante, we don’t know what the fuck is going on, and I can’t allow you to cause a fucking war over a goddamn woman.”

I balled my fists, cold, hard fury spreading all the way from my spine through every bone in my entire body. Unfortunately, my brother was the one standing in front of me, the one who would be on the receiving end if he didn’t back the fuck off.

“She is not any goddamn woman, Antonio.”

“You’re right. She’s the woman who left you. The woman who broke your fucking heart. So get a goddamn grip, take a breath, and let us figure this out together.”

At that moment, I had no control. That was what Layla did to me. She made me lose every shred of control, making me think and feel nothing but her. Her scent still lingered around me, the sweet smell of citrus and roses. When I had her body up against that goddamn wall, I was nothing but a fucking puppet tied to everything I had ever felt for her.





Possessive as fuck.

And right now, Antonio and Matteo were the only people standing between me and her…which was why I swung my arm, aiming for Antonio’s face.

Lorik jumped in between us and tried to stop my fist from connecting. Unfortunately, Lorik’s face ended up in the crossfire.

“Jesus Christ!” Antonio grabbed hold of Lorik, who stumbled back from the impact. “Dante, what the fuck?”

Lorik’s hand was on his face, fifteen thousand f-bombs dropping from his mouth. Within a split second, every eye was on us, the entire top floor coming to a standstill. I shook my fist and glanced at Layla, who stared at me with bewilderment. For a few seconds, our eyes were locked on one another, and I knew I needed to get the fuck away from her. For the second time in my life, she changed everything for me. Ruined everything. And here I was, so angry and jealous and motherfucking confused I felt like I could slaughter a goddamn army.

I glanced at Lorik. “I’m sorry, man.” And then I stormed off. Antonio called after me, but I couldn’t stay there a second longer. The thought of Layla being with Matteo, actually leaving with him, staying with him, doing God knew what with him was just too fucking much. I wanted to grab her, throw her over my shoulder, and haul her ass out of there…right after I slit Matteo’s throat.

But Antonio was right. It would start a war, and right now I had nothing to go to battle with. I had no clue what the fuck was happening, and I was too angry. Too furious. Too goddamn jealous to think straight.

I rushed down the stairs and through the crowd. With every step I took, I could feel the distance between me and Layla. It took every ounce of strength for me not to turn around and go back to her because it hurt. It fucking hurt leaving her behind with that son of a bitch, not knowing what he was doing with her.

The bouncer at the back door saw me coming down the hall and opened the door. I didn’t thank him. I didn’t even fucking nod. All I saw was red. All I felt was rage. All I wanted to do was give in to the anger.

Once I was out the door, I inhaled deeply, trying to get as much oxygen into my lungs as possible. I was on the verge of exploding.

I closed my eyes, and all I saw was her. All I felt was her body against mine, her lips meeting my kiss with the same amount of vigor. Good God, the way she rocked her hips over my thigh, her pussy searching for release. Her entire body was shaking while I had her pinned against that goddamn wall.

Her whimpers.

Her moans.

Her rapid breathing.


I slammed my fist against the pillar next to me and screamed like a demon straight from hell.

Tags: Bella J. Erotic