Page 22 of Mafia Prince

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Her gaze met mine briefly before she looked away, pretending to be engrossed in their conversation.

And then Antonio came storming my way like a pissed off animal. “What the fuck, man?”

“Not now, Antonio.”

“Yes, now. And why the fuck are you bleeding?”

I looked down at my hand, my knuckles cut and bleeding. “I had a confrontation with the bathroom wall. The wall lost.”

Antonio didn’t look amused. “Now is not the time for jokes. You and Layla disappeared for like ten fucking minutes. Could you have made it any more obvious?”

I looked at him questioningly. “Did Matteo notice?”

“I’d say he’s a special kind of stupid if he didn’t.”

I glanced their way. “And he didn’t confront you, or attempt to come looking for us?”

Antonio crossed his arms. “No. In fact, he sat by the bar the entire time swirling his fucking whiskey in his glass, looking smug as hell.”

Warning bells rang like shit in the back of my head. “Something weird is going on.”

“I take it you talked to Layla?”

I turned my attention back to Antonio. “Sort of.”

“Sort of?”

“She knows. She knows about us and our family.”

“Of course she does. I’m sure Matteo had the time of his life while he told her everything.”

I shook my head. “No. She found out before she left.”

“So, that’s why she left?”

“That’s what she says.”

“But that doesn’t make sense. If she left because she found out who you really are, why is she dating Matteo?”

“Exactly what I’d like to know.”

Lorik came sauntering over and caught sight of my bleeding hand. “What the fuck? Please tell me I didn’t miss it.”

“Miss what?”

“You kicking Matteo’s ass.”

“Believe me, if I kicked Matteo’s ass, it wouldn’t be just my hand covered in blood.”

Lorik raised a brow. “Then who’d you kill?”

“No one…yet.”

Antonio cleared his throat and looked at me. “We need to leave before everything gets out of hand. We can figure out what Matteo’s game is later when you’re not within shooting distance of him.”

Lorik held up a hand. “Even though I’m extremely disappointed because I’m still sober at my supposed bachelor party, I do agree with your brother on this.”

“What?” I glared at Lorik. “You never agree with Antonio on anything, and tonight of all nights you decide you’re on his team?”

Tags: Bella J. Erotic