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“I’ll press charges,” Ashley said.

Charity thrashed about, trying to get to Ashley. “You little bitch,” she spat. When I get out, I’ll find you and I’ll—”

“Charity,” Ace growled. “Don’t finish that sentence,” he ordered. “If you do, you’ll be in more trouble than you’ll be able to handle. Just keep your mouth shut and take some time to sober up.”

“Now, that’s some good advice,” the cop holding her said. “Let’s go.” He shoved Charity in the direction of the door as she screeched and cried for someone to help her. It tore Ace’s heart out to hear her so upset and messed up. There once was a time when he cared for her. Charity was still Arabella’s mother and Trinity’s sister and he wasn’t sure how he’d explain all of this to her.

“I’m so sorry, Ashley,” he breathed, once Charity was safely out of the building. “Pressing charges was the right thing to do and I’ll handle any court costs that you may incur,” he promised. “I can also hire you a lawyer to handle your side of the case if it comes to that.”

“Oh—I hadn’t thought of all of that,” Ashley admitted. “Thank you, Mr. Wild,” she said.

“Honestly, it’s the least I can do after my ex came in here and caused a scene the way that she did. If you wouldn’t mind, I’d like to get Bella and head home. I won’t bring her in tomorrow—you know, just in case. I think that I should get a restraining order in place before I bring her back. It will not only protect her but you and your business as well.”

“I appreciate that,” Ashley said.

“I’ll give you twenty-four hours’ notice before we come back in,” he said. “Thanks again for everything, Ashley.” She nodded and went to get Bella. Ashley brought her out and Bella smiled up at him from her car seat. His daughter was oblivious to everything that had just happened around her. She couldn’t care less about all of the fuss that was made over her—she was just happy to see him and he felt the same way about seeing his little princess.

“Let’s get you home, baby girl,” he whispered to her.

* * *

Trinity was waiting at home for them when he and Arabella got there. “Oh my God,” she breathed, taking the car seat from Ace. “Tell me that she’s okay.”

“Arabella is fine,” he said.

“I was so worried. As soon as I got back to the office from court, Beck told me about your call and how cryptic you were. I can’t tell you how many scenarios ran through my overly active brain—all of them ending badly. What happened? Why did you have to pick Bella up early from daycare?” Trinity asked.

Ace took a deep breath, deciding to just rip the band-aid off. It was the best approach, really and one that he was the most comfortable with.

“Charity showed up at the daycare, demanding that Ashley give her Arabella,” he admitted.

“Dear God,” she breathed. “That’s one of my worst nightmares—Charity getting Bella back.” He wondered if it was just Bella that Trinity worried about her sister reclaiming, but he’d leave that for now. He thought that they had worked past all of those insecurities.

“Luckily, Ashley called me just as soon as she figured out who Charity was. She was high and from the smell of her, drunk. She said that Rooster had dumped her and tossed her out a couple of weeks ago. Charity wanted Arabella back because she said she has no one else in the world,” Ace whispered.

“Charity did that to herself,” Trinity hissed. “I told you before that my sister is good at leaving the people she claims to love most in the world. She’s always chasing the next best thing and in this case, she lost the only good thing in her life. Well, two good things,” Trinity corrected, looking up at him.

“I know I should be upset that she took off with one of my closest friends, but I can’t say that I am. I love the way things worked out. If Charity hadn’t left me, I would have never met you and I can’t imagine my life without you or Arabella,” Ace said.

“I can’t imagine my life without either of you, Ace,” Trinity admitted. It was the closest that she had ever come to admitting that she had feelings for him. His heartfelt about ready to beat out of his damn chest and he knew that now wasn’t the time for sweeping declarations of love. Now, he had to ask Trinity for yet another favor.

“I need a restraining order against Charity for both of us and Arabella. Ashley called the police and they took your sister away in handcuffs. She was pretty unruly,” he said.

“Sounds like her,” Trinity said. “I’ll put in for the restraining orders tonight. It shouldn’t take long for them to come back. Will Ashley be pressing charges?” she asked.

“Yes,” Ace breathed. “I asked her to. I think it might be good for Charity to sober up while she’s sitting in a jail cell. Maybe that will help her to hit rock bottom so she can finally get the help she needs.”

“She’ll need a lawyer,” Trinity said.

“Yeah—I figured. I told Ashley that I’d paid for any legal fees and hire a lawyer for her since my ex was the one who caused the problems at the daycare,” Ace said.

“No, not Ashley,” she said. “Charity will need a lawyer, and she won’t be able to afford one, I’m sure.” He knew that Trinity was right.

“Won’t one be appointed for her?” he asked.

“Yes, but if she’s high right now, she might be in prison for a long time. I’m assuming she’s a first-time offender,” Trinity said. Ace shrugged, not knowing the answer to that. His ex didn’t share a whole lot of her past with him.

“She didn’t get in trouble with the law that I know of. Not since I’ve known her, at least,” he said. “How about when she was younger?”

Tags: K.L. Ramsey Smokey Bandits MC Romance