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Chapter 24 – Azrael

My brothers stood beside me in the basement of the Crossroads, each of us staring down Alexi Voltoy as the bloodied, beaten Russian lifted his head. Both eyes were nearly swollen shut but there was no mistaking his defiance. He was still naked, dried blood covering most of his body as his multiple wounds had ceased their steady flow of fluid over the last twenty-four hours. Everything but his sore ass that rested directly against the hard wood. He sat in a puddle of crimson with his chest, wrists and ankles strapped down to the chair.

I’d never seen a man as destroyed as he looked and yet remain so rigid in the face of certain death. It was no secret we were here to finish the job we started. He tried to sneer but his mouth was missing quite a few teeth and his puffy, busted lips couldn’t form words clearly much less spout off a bunch of threats.

Voltoy was at our mercy and he knew it.

Patriot’s stare was the coldest, unflinching as he smiled every time the Russian squirmed. Voltoy had to be in pain, but he didn’t make a noise. I was certain Patriot was just waiting for the chance to fuck him up some more. There would be no mercy and I think Voltoy knew that. He wisely kept from pushing Patriot any further.

Grim approached the prisoner – now our prey – and asked a single question.

“Why did you choose Rancid?”

“zhadnost' ponimayet zhadnost'.” The words translated. “Greed understands greed.”

“And the Bloody Scorpions MC?”

“Vziatka.” “Bribe money.”

“I understand that Acid and now Razr are helping with your supply,” Grim began and the Russian grunted his confirmation. “But why them? They’re fuckin’ assholes and idiots.”

“Yes,” Voltoy agreed. “This is why.”

“Easy to manipulate and control,” I intervened.

“Yes. My uncle. He is fierce. Loyal.” There was a frown. “He cares for nothing. Cold. Like Russian winter.”

“You’re wrong,” Grim contradicted. “He cares for power. Money and girls bring him that power.”

Voltoy shrugged. “As you Americans say,” he stuttered, his voice beginning to slur. “Drunk on power.”

“Oh, fuck no,” Wraith blurted. “He’s not passing out on us now.” My brother went to the sink, filled the nearest bucket with a little bit of water, and then sloshed it over the Russian’s head.

Sputtering, clarity returned to Voltoy’s eyes.

“How did Solonik meet Razr?” Grim was nearly done with his questioning. “Or was it Acid who had the agreement?”

Voltoy chuckled lightly. “Both.”

“Who was their connection? Their contact? Who made the introduction?”


Shocked gasps circled the room along with a few angry curses.

Rancid had betrayed the Royal Bastards on so many levels it was fuckin’ devastating.

“We’ll confirm this information. You no longer serve a function and now must die.” Grim said the words without any hint of emotion. None of us cared what he suffered. Voltoy deserved to die for his crimes but he wasn’t getting off that easily.

No, Hell would welcome him with open arms and the devil always enjoyed his souls that were reaped most of all.

As his chosen, we had a compromise with death. While in our normal human forms, we were just as vulnerable as our enemy, but once we transformed into our Reapers everything changed. Those demons were badass, and they were indestructible. Death was our obedient servant and we willingly provided prey.

Like tonight.

My brothers were all wearing their skull print bandanas tonight. This video was gonna be one hell of a public service announcement. I hoped Solonik pissed his pants with fear when he saw it.

Feeling the power of our enemy’s souls as they left their bodies was an instant jolt of pleasure. I wanted to experience that again tonight as we stripped this asshole down until nothing remained. Every single one of my brother’s allowed their power to surface.

Tags: Nikki Landis Fantasy