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At first, Voltoy didn’t seem to understand what was happening. He struggled against his bonds and the straps that held him down, but as the push and pull on his soul gradually increased, he began to yell and flop in his chair. His mouth foamed and his eyes rolled back in his head. His nose and ears began to bleed. His cries grew louder.

Reaping a soul this slowly was extremely painful. Probably felt like he was being skinned alive while all his muscles were squeezed, and his body drained of all fluid.

He was shaking violently. At the last possible second, we took the remainder of his essence.

He was left without a heartbeat. No breath in his lungs. Just an empty, emaciated shell.

Diablo picked up a broom as Voltoy’s body disintegrated and he collapsed into a pile of ash. Scooping up the remains, they were tossed into a jar and then the lid screwed on tight. Diablo would be relocating them permanently.

“CHURCH,” GRIM ORDERED, walking up the stairs first as the rest of us gave him the respect that he not only deserved but earned. Mammoth followed, then I fell in line as one by one we filed in order of our club positions. The chapel was quiet as we took our seats and Grim called the meeting to order.

“There’s a lot of shit we learned tonight.” Quite a few of my brothers nodded. “I’m making the decision that I need to confirm or dispute these allegations down in NOLA. Rael will come with me. He’s got his own shit to settle with Rancid and we need to know what’s happening with –”

Cell phones started going off all over the room. The rule in Church was that no one used their devices so Grim looked down at his and frowned. Whatever he saw, it wasn’t good.

The doors of the chapel flew open and Papa walked in, shocking us all into stunned silence. The old dog didn’t come around as much as he used to do, and we missed him. Papa was a founder of the Tonopah chapter of the Royal Bastards and the brother was pretty much a king, second only to Grim and that was just formality.

“Rancid is out on bail.”

My hands gripped the armrest of the chair I was in as I fought the urge to jump to my feet. “He’s mine,” I blurted, not giving two shits about protocol right now.

Papa took the seat Mammoth vacated as Wraith pushed another toward our V.P. “No one disputes what you got to do, son,” Papa answered as he turned my way. “We need to find out where Rancid is and fast. There’s a shitstorm coming. Heard a rumor that Jameson might be reclaiming his throne.”

“Then I need to be in NOLA.”

Grim nodded. “We both do. If Jameson is back, that means we’ll be voting on our national president. Every chapter pres is gonna be expected to show up. We’ll make our case about Rancid and provide what Intel we’ve learned about him from the Russian.”

“I’ll be joinin’ you,” Papa added. “Time I headed down there and cracked a few skulls.”

Grim and I banged on the table in agreement.

“Damn straight.” Should have happened a long time ago. Those who sided with Rancid and betrayed Jameson needed to answer for their crimes against the club.

“Now that’s decided,” Papa began as he turned to Grim. “Tell me what the fuck is happenin’ with my club.”

Grim snorted with humor. Papa was always giving him shit about being pres. Truth was, Papa didn’t want the position. He was happy being V.P. until he handed the position over to Mammoth, who was his relation, a third cousin removed or some shit.

“Scorpions are in deep with the Russians, part of some Black Market Railroad that’s trafficking girls all over the country. Already been in touch with a few of the chapters. Damn Russians are snatchin’ them up here in Nevada too. I told you about Voltoy and his crimes.”

Papa nodded. “Sick fuck.”

“Reaped his soul earlier. You just missed all the fun,” Hannibal teased. “If your old ass moved a little faster, you might have gotten in on the action.”


bsp; “Don’t know what action his old bony ass would be gettin’ anyway,” Ex added.

Papa had a good chuckle. “I could run circles around all you fuckers.”

Grim chuckled, shaking his head. “As you know, we took Acid down about six months ago and we’re still surprised there ain’t been any retaliation on the club. Razr has taken over for his brother. We’ve confirmed that so it’s only a matter of time. My guess is whatever agreement they have with Solonik trumps their war with us, for now.”

“Solonik?” Papa ticked his head in my direction. “What the fuck? You find him?”

He knew the whole story behind my vendetta with Rancid and Solonik. “Not yet. ‘Bout to set a trap.”

“I want in on that shit, Rael.”

“Yes, sir.”

Tags: Nikki Landis Fantasy