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Razr chuckled. “Yeah.”

“I can get plenty more. You say word, we bring girls.”

Razr seemed to contemplate his answer. “I’ve got plenty of club whores. We don’t need anymore.”

“This is different. It is gift.”

Razr stroked his beard. “Alright.”

The Russian laughed, clapping him on the back. “I will tell Vlad. He is happy with arrangement.”

Vlad? I stood up straight, rage instantly coursing through my veins. This fucker knew Solonik personally and had access. I couldn’t let the moment pass by without acting. He wasn’t getting away. I didn’t care what the fuck I had to do to make it happen, but he was coming back to the Crossroads.

My dungeon is waiting, motherfucker.

“Keep an eye out.” Patriot was already on board. I could tell by his hard expression. “I’m gonna wait until they get in a car and then tail them. Follow me when it’s safe to do so.”

Patriot nodded. “Stay sharp.”

The Russian climbed into a black SUV with tinted windows followed by three of his men and a driver. I ran to my bike and straddled the seat, waiting until they were far enough away that I wouldn’t tip them off. The Russian’s vehicle drove toward Tonopah, but my guess was probably Vegas. I was shocked when the SUV stopped at a gas station to fuel up. Seemed reckless to me but that Russian asshole was smug. He thought he was untouchable.

Tonight, he would find out different.

Patriot joined me, followed by my remaining brothers. “I sent them all a text.”


Every single one of us grabbed our guns and snuck up on the car. We each had a target or someone to watch. The bullets barely made a sound with the silencers as we took out everyone but the tall Russian. He shouted in protest and pulled his own gun, only to toss it down when he realized he was outmatched. He wasn’t stupid or desperate enough to put a bullet in his own brain. If he knew who I was and my personal vendetta, then he might have reconsidered his surrender.

“Slide over,” I ordered as I sat on the backseat.

Mammoth had him trussed up like a pig in no time. Zip-ties at his wrists and ankles. The guy was shouting and cursing, threatening us in Russian. I didn’t give a fuck.

Patriot shoved the driver over and started the SUV’s engine. We’d be driving it back to the clubhouse eventually. Right now, we would get the hell out of the city and wait for the prospects to show up with another cage. Wraith was already on the phone with Shadow and Toad. They would drive over and pick up our bikes, then split off as one drove back to the Crossroads and the other dumped the bodies. Then the other prospect would double back and help finish. Diablo was our cleaner and he’d make sure the job was done, overseeing the prospects.

I didn’t bother calling Grim, just sent out a few texts to give him a heads up. I found an extra bandana and tied it around the Russian’s face, blocking out the possibility that he could remember where the Crossroads was located. Ex walked inside the station to make sure nothing was being recorded. If he failed, Xenon had enough equipment and access to erase it all anyway. He had hidden cameras all over Tonopah.

Patriot drove out of town and headed toward Reno, only to follow a wide curve in the road as I knocked the Russian over and he lost his bearings. After looping around in a half dozen circles, we headed back to Tonopah and arrived nearly two hours later. The only stop was a few minutes to empty the bodies out of the back of the SUV. Diablo was already ordering Toad around as we pulled away.

Grim was waiting when we arrived. Wraith, Mammoth, Bodie, Lucky, and Exorcist had already made it back. Ex was antsy. He was jumping around, rolling his shoulders back as adrenaline coursed through his body. Mammoth didn’t move, pinning the SUV with his dark gaze. Bodie and Lucky were shooting the shit, joking around until the moment they needed to be serious. The cousins were always fucking around. That left Wraith and his cigar, puffing away as he smiled a sardonic grin.

The clubhouse was nearly deserted. All females would remain locked in their rooms. No ol’ ladies. This was club business. No one was compromised, our location a guarded secret from the Russians. They may know of our existence but probably hadn’t considered us a threat until now.

That was about to change.

Mammoth grabbed the Russian and hauled him from the car as Wraith and Ex followed. They would get him ready for the interrogation while I paused to have a smoke and fill in our pres. Patriot turned off the ignition and exited the vehicle as he handed the keys to Grim. By tomorrow, we’d have new plates and a VIN for this vehicle. It would be cleaned, sterilized, and then sold as it left Nevada and never returned.

I ticked my head toward Grim and Lucky. “Take this to Xenon. Make sure he knows it came from our prisoner. We don’t need anyone tracing this location.”

They both nodded, taking the cell phone I’d pulled from the Russian’s pocket and powered down. The battery was also removed. I’d taken every precaution that I could. Once they were inside, the three of us stood together, contemplating our next move.

“That Russian prick mentioned Solonik.” I puffed a long drag from my smoke and exhaled, shaking my head at Grim. “This isn’t gonna be pretty.”

He nodded at the warning. “I figured as much. Get what you can out of him. We’ll record the whole thing. Might prove useful.”

Patriot chuckled. “I can’t wait to hear his screams.”

“Xenon can pull the contacts. If we’re lucky, we’ll get Solonik’s number and it’ll still be in service.”

Tags: Nikki Landis Fantasy