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“No way.” I shoved at his chest, but he didn’t move.

“I’m gonna walk you to your car and then follow behind on my bike to make sure everything is safe. I want you to stay put. Don’t go off and do something stupid.”

I opened my mouth to object when he pressed a finger to my lips.

“No, Nylah,” he growled, his expression serious. “You’re gonna listen to me because I won’t have you disappear too. You got it?”

Nodding, I sighed. “How do you know where to find her?”

“I don’t,” he admitted. “But nothing much happens in Tonopah without the Royal Bastards knowing about it. I’ll find her,” he promised. “You keep that phone close. If I call, you answer it right away. Don’t keep me waiting. That shit pisses me off.”

Rolling my eyes, I was about to tell him where he could take his orders and opinions and shove them, but he gripped my chin with his hand and held my gaze with a fierceness that I couldn’t ignore.

“Kitten, I need to know you’re safe.” His eyes searched mine for a moment and then he leaned in and brushed his mouth over mine. “Do as I say. It’s fuckin’ important.”

“Alright,” I agreed. My voice was so low it was almost a whisper. “I’ll listen.”

Rael’s lips curled up in sensual grin. “About time you figured it out.”

Chapter 15 – Azrael

“We have a problem,” I announced, shutting the door behind me as I stood in front of Grim’s desk. My pres was watching me with a mixture of curiosity and frustration.

“Well, out with it.”

“Nylah said her a friend at the hospital ER checked in another burned trauma vic. She was raped and died from her injuries.”


“And Trixie ran off, probably because she was scared.”

Grim leaned back, folding his arms as he frowned. “What do you want to do?”

“Take Ex, Wraith, Patriot, and Mammoth. I want to scope out all of the Scorpion warehouses tonight. If there’s any movement or involvement with the Russians, I have a gut feeling we’re gonna catch it.”

“You go two at a time. No one rides alone. There’re four warehouses. You take Patriot and watch the big one where Razr stays. I’ll buzz Mammoth and have him ride with Ex. Wraith and Lucky. Diablo and Bodie. I’m gonna have Hannibal check in with his sources and Xenon do his thing on the internet.”

“Sounds perfect, pres.”

He snorted. “You watch your ass. Don’t do anything stupid on their turf. I don’t want a bloodbath. Call me if you see anything.”

“Will do.”

I left Grim and snagged Patriot, the two of us silent as we straddled our hogs and fired up the engines. The dull roar was music to my ears as we rode out of the parking lot of the Crossroads. Razr stayed at a compound that was on the outskirts of Tonopah and nearly inside the Hawthorne city limits. The ride took us nearly forty-five minutes as we parked the bikes about half a mile away and stashed them, heading out on foot.

There was a wild party happening much like the ones we threw almost every night. Loud music, booze, sex, club whores. One MC was pretty much like another in that respect.

Patriot and I hung back, watching for anything out of the ordinary. If I heard Russian accents, it was likely to get ugly. Nothing much happened until about four hours later. It was growing late and well after one a.m. Patriot and I kept shuffling our feet and taking breaks to stretch and move around as the other kept watch. We didn’t mention the night when he lost his shit. I knew he felt bad. No need to trip a brother up.

I desperately needed a smoke but couldn’t risk lighting up. Tapping my leg, I was becoming restless. That was when I heard several men talking, the first to venture outside in over thirty minutes.

“You keep her, yes?”

The Russian voice that met my ears was new. I didn’t recognize him.

None other than Razr himself stood at the front entrance, lighting up a smoke. “She’s sexy enough.”

“Young pussy. Tight and wet.”

Tags: Nikki Landis Fantasy