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I’m back in the office on Tuesday, bleary-eyed but with a huge cup of coffee in hand. We stayed at Elliot’s until almost eleven, then Lucas and I

went to my place to get me some fresh clothes. I’d rather not spend the night at a hotel again and have to get another emergency outfit…even if it would be a Dior or some other fancy label. And of course, instead of sleeping like responsible adults with jobs, we spent a big chunk of the night rolling around in bed. It’s no wonder I’m exhausted.

Lucas got me a car service in the morning to take me to work. “I’d drive you, but I have an early call with some inventor in Korea.”

I kissed him on the mouth. “Have fun. Love you.” I smiled as I left, leaving my ridiculously handsome billionaire boyfriend in the small and incredibly ordinary apartment. It felt good to see him at my place in the morning. He never stayed when we were together in Charlottesville two years ago. Not like this anyway. This time it feels more permanent, and I can see us staying together no matter what happens.

Today’s the last day I’m coming in for the week. Unlike the medical staff, most of the people on my floor are on vacation starting at two p.m. Since it’s not quite a full day, everyone’s dressed casually. I’m no exception in my long-sleeve UVA shirt, faded blue jeans and flats. Erin, my nurse friend, is working tomorrow, but she gets to take Thanksgiving off, for which she’s grateful.

Wanna get lunch? she texts me.

Sorry! I have a date.

Woohoo! Do tell…

Later. ;)

I grab my purse and take off at eleven thirty to make it to a small mom-and-pop sandwich shop about ten minutes away on foot. I get a BLT special and take my seat. Soon I see Elliot walk in. I wave.

He spots me and gives me a quick grin, then grabs a sandwich and joins me. He’s in a crisp pale blue button-down shirt sans tie and black slacks. Seeing him like this, I can’t help but think that the online articles about his reputation have to be wrong. He seems so…normal.

“Thanks for meeting me,” I say.

“No problem. I was in the area anyway.” He smiles, all gracious and sweet, then takes a sip of his soda. “I was surprised to get a call from you. Figured it must be important.”

“I got your number from Rachel. I hope you don’t mind,” I explain, then flush. Is that going to get her into trouble? Probably not. Lucas told me to contact her if I needed anything, and he was unavailable this morning, or so I tell myself. “And yes, it is important. It’s about marriage.”

One dark eyebrow creeps upward, slowly and deliberately. “Oh?”

“You heard him say he doesn’t plan to marry me soon, but you know what that means, don’t you?”

He raises, then drops a massive shoulder. “What does it mean?”

“Come on.” I lean across the table and lower my voice. “You know the stipulation from your father.”

“Don’t you want a big wedding?”

I resist the urge to roll my eyes at his nonsensical question and instead shake my head. “I want Lucas to have what he wants.” I exhale roughly. “I don’t want to cost him—or you—the paintings.”

“Did you tell him that?”

“Yes, but he’s being stubborn. Says he won’t do anything to make me wonder if he married me for love or the inheritance.”

Elliot makes a sort of moue of understanding. “A fair point.”

I blink, unsure if I heard him right.

He grins. “If you’re here to ask me to intervene on your behalf, sorry. I’m not going to. I’ve already done enough damage to both of you when I failed to anticipate and counter Wife Number Three’s moves.”

He must be referring to the tabloid article that exposed the whole ugly deal surrounding his father and his siblings. “That’s why you owe us one.”

“Uh-uh. I want Lucas happy. He’s not like the Grim Reaper when you’re around.”

“And I’m not going anywhere.” Why is Elliot being obtuse? I thought he was supposed to be smart. A genius, actually.

He gives me a warm smile. “You have no idea how possessive and protective he is of you, do you?”

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance