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“I know he loves me. And I love him back. That’s why I’m trying to help him get what he wants.”

“He already has what he wants—you. I don’t blame him for not wanting to jeopardize that. I didn’t know how irrational and territorial I could be until I met Belle.”

“So you’re saying you didn’t marry her for the paintings?” The question slips out before I can stop myself. I cringe inwardly. It’s none of my business why and how they ended up together.

“At first I did, but my feelings changed. Lucas never even wanted to marry, not even to inherit. If you push, it’ll make things worse. Have faith. We are not going to hate you because of Lucas’s decision.”

I flush. “How did you know?”

He chuckles. “I’m actually a pretty smart guy. Look, we are all very happy for him. Well, maybe not Blake—yet—but he’ll come around.”

“I don’t know. I think he hates me.”

“I know he said some things to you.”

“You do?”

“When you showed up at the hospital, he said he would take care of you. I wish I’d stopped him. Then maybe things would’ve worked out better.”

If you only knew. I would’ve had Lucas with me while I was pregnant.

Elliot continues, “So this is my way of making things right, giving both of you my full support regardless of what you decide to do. The paintings mean a lot to us, but Grandfather didn’t create them so that we’d do something that went against our morals and happiness. And hurting the women we love? Definitely not something that would make our grandfather proud.”

A small lump forms in my throat, and I can’t speak. I don’t know how I could’ve misjudged Lucas’s family so badly. I purposely chose Elliot, assuming that he’d jump all over any idea that would net him his painting. But…he’s not.

Maybe I just thought everyone would be like Blake. But from Elizabeth to Elliot, these people genuinely want Lucas and me to be as happy as possible, even if it means losing a multimillion-dollar inheritance.

“Thank you,” I murmur. “It means a lot to me that you feel that way.”

“My pleasure. Look, I know the men in this family can be a pain in the ass. And Lucas can certainly be difficult, but it would mean a lot if you could be a little bit patient with us.”

I smile. “Of course.”

Elliot gets up and walks around the table until he reaches me and gives me a tight hug. “I know he hasn’t married you yet, but still, welcome to the family, Ava.”

Chapter Twenty-Eight


My workday ends at two, so I stop by the store to stock up on some ingredients for homemade baby food. Darcy’s probably going to bring a bunch with her, but I want to feed Mia something I’ve made with my own hands. My slim purse is full of printouts of recipes I found online.

As I carry the groceries to my apartment, I think about what Bennie told me while we were in Osaka. Mia’s real identity simply cannot be kept secret forever, especially if Lucas and I are going to be together. He has the right to know, and to keep him in the dark when he’s going to see her—and my foster parents—would be completely unfair.

The problem is how to tell him. There’s no manual on how to drop a secret baby bombshell on your boyfriend. I think he’ll understand why I had to do what I did, but it’s not something you just blurt out over dinner or after sex… Or at least I don’t think so.

Not to mention I have no idea how Lucas feels about children in general. He seemed nice and sweet enough with Mia, but does he actually want a child? Is he going to be resentful that I gave her away or relieved that he won’t have to be a father? The only thing I’m pretty sure of is that even though he called children “interesting” that one time at the bed and breakfast, “interesting” isn’t really what he thinks about them.

When I open the door and step inside, I almost halt at the sight of Lucas sprawled on my couch, a tablet resting in one big palm. He’s in a white T-shirt and a pair of long, loose lounging pants, his feet bare. I tilt my head. He looks e

ntirely at home and ridiculously comfortable.

“Welcome home.” He gets up and takes the groceries from me. “I thought work ended at two,” he says, as his lips brush over mine. “I was literally dying waiting for you to return.” He sighs dramatically, the back of one hand at his forehead.

I laugh. “It did, but I had to get some stuff for tomorrow. Ray and Darcy are arriving.”

“That’s right. I forgot.” He places the bags on the counter in the kitchen. “You know…we’re sort of stuck for Thanksgiving, but do you want to go someplace more fun for Christmas?” He hands me the beef and chicken.

I blink, taking the meat and putting it in the fridge. “Like where?”

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance