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The impact of his presence slices me like a scalpel down the belly. He’s stunning—scars or no—and he looks well rested and calm. Blood roars in my head, and my vision feels hazy for a moment. After what I saw at the opening, I’m not prepared to face him.

The expertly tailored button-down shirt and slacks—both in black—emphasize the breadth and leanness of his tall, strong body. Silver cufflinks wink when he checks his watch, and I shake my head, willing the apparition to vanish.

My heart thunders. What the hell is he doing here? Is he here to see me?

Part of me almost sobs in relief and need, even though my head tells me he’s probably here for something else. But if he does approach, I can’t be weak and crumble. I have to stick to what I told him in Virginia.

He stops two feet away. My mouth dries, bees buzzing in my stomach. I wish I hadn’t gulped down that first cup of coffee so fast.

“You’re Robbie’s assistant?”

This Lucas is nothing like the one I remember. His voice is neutral, and the rigid lines of his body say “hands off.” Under his cool, hard scrutiny, something inside me shrivels as though I’m the one who screwed up back in Charlottesville. “Yes.”

“Okay. Did he tell you you’ll be working with me to organize the year-end fundraiser event?”

“No. I haven’t had a chance to talk with him.”

Lucas’s gaze flicks over me, making me die inside. There’s zero warmth, zero recognition. This is what you wanted. It’s as though I’m a stranger.

“I was under the impression you would be up to speed,” he says.

“I just got in.”

“Had time to finish coffee.” He cocks the eyebrow.

My back stiffens. I’m not going to apologize for having a morning java. “We’ll go in together. I need to check a few things with him anyway.”

“Ladies first.”

He gestures me ahead. I can’t decide if this is a way of mocking me or not. I’m pretty sure “lady” isn’t the first word he associates with me.

I lead him to my boss’s office, all the while praying this is a prank or some kind of huge mistake. There is no way Lucas can be involved with the medical center. Google said he donates to causes, not that he gets down in the trenches himself.

Robbie smiles when he sees us walking in. “Thrilled you could join us today, Mr. Reed.”

“Glad to be here. And please, call me Lucas.” They shake hands.

“Have you met my assistant?” Robbie asks.

“We’ve met.” Lucas gestures at the seats. “Shall we get started?”

I hear the words between the two men, but my mind barely processes anything. The shock of seeing Lucas is still reverberating through me.

I don’t understand what he’s doing here. Why do we need him? Surely, there are other people—more famous people—who can draw in the crowds to benefit the medical center.

“That’s wonderful.” Robbie’s voice penetrates my miserable confusion. “I’m sorry I can’t be more involved. Operations is taking more of my time and effort than I expected. But I’m sure Ava will do a great job.”

I almost drop my pen. “What?”

Robbie frowns, while Lucas studies me like an insect on the other side of a magnifying glass. “Do you have some objection to the new task?” Lucas asks.

My internal sensor screams “trap.” I inhale and gather my thoughts before saying, “Not at all. I’m just surprised I’m the one who’s being tapped for it. I’ve never done this kind of work before.”

Maybe this will give me an excuse to bow out. I’m certain Lucas doesn’t want us to spend time together. He did everything possible to force me to take the money and give him the closure he said he needed to move on. Faye is the one in his life now.

So why does this hurt so much?

“First time for everything.” Robbie grins broadly. “I wouldn’t have picked you if I didn’t feel you were a quick study.”

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance