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I give him a weak smile in return.

“And whatever help I need, I’m sure my sister can deliver,” Lucas says. “She’s world class at this kind of stuff.”

“We’re grateful for your help,” Robbie says. “Both you and your family. I’ll make sure to adjust Ava’s work schedule so she can assist you and learn exactly what’s needed to pull an event like this together.”

“Excellent.” Lucas stands up. “Then let’s get started. I have a lunch meeting.”

I have no choice now. The only way I could possibly get out of this is by explaining my history with Lucas to Robbie, but I’d rather die than behave unprofessionally. I can handle this. It’s just one job, and the close contact with Lucas will be over soon enough.

Lucas and I move to a small meeting room, and he dictates a huge list of tasks. Not even once during that time does he regard me with anything other than cool detachment.

I’ve imagined it would be nearly impossible to handle if Lucas came back to me with love in his eyes and told me again that he wanted to be with me. But this coldness is so much worse. It is as though everything I suspected is true…that I don’t matter.

Every second fillets a little bit more of my heart. Even though I’m following along on autopilot, my head is full of contradictory thoughts and emotions.

What’s wrong with me? This stranger treatment is what I told him I wanted. I even put him through the “test” so he would realize the truth between us. But it still makes my heart ache.

Elizabeth words come back to me, this time with an undertone of accusation.

She’s with him because you didn’t fight for him.

But how can I fight for nothing?

I’m in love with you.

A last-ditch effort to get me to change my mind. He’d never said those words before. And there were plenty of opportunities.

Gifts. Words. They never mean anything. Just look how easily Dad threw them at me and Mom. And how gullible we were to take them at face value.

Finally, Lucas stops his dictation of tasks. “All that needs to be completed by close of business tomorrow. When you’re finished, let me know so we can move on to the next phase.”

I place my pen on the yellow legal pad full of scribbled to-do items. “Are you staying in L.A.?”

“For a while. The weather’s better, and my family’s here.”

There goes my hope that he’ll return to Charlottesville and we can work long distance.

“Let Robbie know if you can’t handle the work. I’m sure he can find me a suitable replacement.”

“A replacement… Is that what you want?”

Lucas studies me. “Isn’t it what you want?”

“I’m a professional. I can handle it.”

He smirks. “That would’ve been more convincing if you didn’t look like you were sucking on a lemon when you said it.” He gets up. “Don’t forget. COB tomorrow.”

The second the meeting room door closes, the charge in the air vanishes, leaving me deflated and drained. I drag a hand through my hair, then look at the mountain of tasks that just got dumped in my lap.

Something about Lucas’s demeanor said he expects me to fail…and fail badly. I’d rather drink hemlock. This is just a lark for him, but it’s my life.

Firming my jaw, I get up and march toward my desk. I have work to do.

Chapter Fifteen


Carrying a couple of bottles of excellent wine—one white and one red—I go to Elliot’s home for dinner later on Monday. It’s better than eating alone. Blake is out of town, probably trying to figure out which new ventures look the most promising.

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance