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Kim pulls to a stop in front of the main door. I park my car behind her and go up to the three of them.

I put a hand on Evie’s shoulder, squeezing gently. “I’ll get your things with Kim.”

“Do you need help?” Bradley offers.

I give him my warmest smile. “It won’t be necessary. Why don’t you go ahead and catch up with Evie over there?” I gesture at the small porch.

He nods and walks off with Evie, a hand at the small of her back. I narrow my eyes, but keep my mouth shut.

Kim pops her trunk open as I join her. She breaks the silence first, her voice quiet. “Good thing you showed up.”

“You don’t like him either?” I ask.

“Nope. I feel bad because it’s obvious Evie’s excited, but…” She shrugs. “There’s something about him. I’m pretty sure I’m just being paranoid, though. It comes with the territory of being Salazar’s assistant. He gets his share of…leeches.” She wrinkles her nose.

As much as I hate it, part of me is relieved Kim and I are on the same page. I’m not just being paranoid for no reason.

She continues, “I could be wrong, because I’m protective of Evie and don’t want to see her hurt. Maybe he’s just a genuinely nice guy but super nervous. I mean, it makes sense, right? And some people are just awkward, terrible at making a good first impression.” She gestures at the boxes in the trunk. “All her stuff.”

“Thanks.” I pick a couple up. They’re surprisingly light. “I owe you one.”

“You and your whole family.” She winks.

I let out my first genuine laugh since seeing Bradley step closer to crying Evie. Salazar isn’t just Kim’s boss, but Justin’s father-in-law. She does a lot to smooth things out between the families when opinions clash, and Salazar can be very stubborn.

“Keep an eye on them while I take the boxes in, will you?” I ask, not wanting Bradley to move off the porch or try to get into our home.

“Sure.” She smiles, then walks toward the porch.

I take Evie’s things, put them in the foyer and lock the door again. When I come out, Kim’s hugging Evie. When she notices me, she shakes hands with Bradley.

“I should get going and let you get to know each other,” she says.

Evie looks torn. “Are you sure? I’m dying to invite you in.”

“Next time. You owe me a complete tour.” Kim winks, then turns to me. “Bye, Nate.”

“Bye, Kim,” I say.

She drives off, and I start toward Bradley and Evie. She’s laughing softly at something he said. At least he knows how to entertain her. That’s a point in his favor…but only a small one.

“Why don’t the three of us go out for dinner?” I say, putting an arm around Evie’s waist, wanting to ensure Bradley understands he better not hurt her.

He hardly bats an eye. As a matter of fact, he seems pleased. That should ameliorate the unease in my gut, but it doesn’t.

“That sounds like a great idea,” Evie adds hurriedly when Bradley doesn’t immediately agree. “You don’t have anything to do tonight, do you, Dad?”

My jaw muscles tighten at the affectionate way she calls him Dad. How in the world can she bond with him so quickly? If I were in her place, I would be suspicious.

She isn’t cynical like you.

But she’ll learn, I think with a bit of sadness. People who treat you the same regardless of the size of your bank account are rare. I wish I could shield her, but it’s simply not possible.

He gives her a paternal smile. “Of course not. I’d love to spend some time with you and get to know you better. So where are we going?”

“Virgo,” I say.

Bradley smiles. “I’ve heard great things about that place.”

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance