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I’ll bet. “Did you drive here?”

“I parked my car a few blocks away from where Evie and her friend stopped.”

“Okay. Why don’t we go get it and then go to the restaurant?”

“Sure,” he says, and I grab my Beamer SUV to take him to his car and wait for him to get behind the wheel.

As I drive to Virgo with Evie sitting next to me, I can see Bradley’s car in the rearview mirror. It’d be nicer if he got lost. On the other hand, maybe not. Evie would probably freak out.

“Thank you,” she says softly. “I know the visit is a total shock to you.”

“Wasn’t it for you?”

“Yeah, but in a different way. It’s my dad, someone I always wished I could meet some day. You didn’t even know you had a father-in-law.”

I grin. “Your mom didn’t have you all by herself. I just didn’t think I’d ever meet the guy.” Was hoping I wouldn’t, if he was enough of a dick to leave her only to come back when she’s married to a rich


She and I both know we’re together because we care about each other. I adore her, want the best for her. But to a lot of people out there, she’s just a lucky girl who managed to snag a super-rich boss. Some assholes are probably calling her a gold digger, and might even think she deserves to be fucked over. It’s my job to ensure those douchebags don’t get to hurt her.

“I know the timing looks bad,” she says. “Him popping up like this. But please just understand I’ve been wanting to find him for a long time. Mom said he really loved her. He’s a good man, just bad luck and timing separated them, you know?”

“I get it. But how did you know he’s really your dad, and not some imposter?” This is the question I didn’t want to ask in front of Bradley. I didn’t want his presence to affect her answer.

“That ring he showed me? It’s really the same one as my mom’s.”

“He could’ve copied the design.” I would if I were a con man.

“Yeah, but my mom’s ring has half a sentence engraved on the inside. His is the other half. And Mom never takes off her ring. So that’s how I knew he was my dad for real.”

Hmm. That does sound pretty genuine. But it isn’t enough to totally calm my suspicions. My instinct is telling me something’s wrong, and I need to tread very carefully.

I pray Pattington works fast, hoping my gut feeling is wrong for Evie’s sake.

Chapter Forty-One


The food is great, which is to be expected. Virgo is a perfect restaurant. Unlike the other places that Vanessa’s older brother Mark owns, the dress code is slightly more relaxed, so Bradley’s outfit doesn’t get us kicked out.

We could’ve gone to some other place, but I chose Virgo, especially because I want Mark to see Bradley and give me an impression. Unfortunately, he isn’t there. Damn it.

Once we’re seated, Bradley defers to me for wine and menu options, saying he doesn’t know much about fancy sit-down meals. I merely smile, since it isn’t that fancy, and he could just pick his own food and drink. I can’t decide if he’s worried that I’ll judge him if he selects the wrong wine or if he’s trying to ingratiate himself somehow. There’s no need for him to play up the “poor relative” role to this degree. Until Pattington clears him, I’m not letting my guard down.

Still, I do my best to put Bradley at ease. After all, he hasn’t done anything wrong…yet. And I’m good at hiding how I really feel when necessary.

Bradley is a pleasant conversationalist, and he tells Evie stories of how he and Mari met, fell in love and so on. I don’t believe much of it. If he loved her so much, he would’ve stayed. He would’ve made it work even if he was embarrassed to go back to her because his business failed and had nothing to show for it. He would have found a way to provide for his woman and the child she carried. He acts like he’s sorry he never went back to Dillington, swears he would’ve gone back if he’d known about Evie. But he doesn’t seem to realize the problem was always him leaving. If he’d stayed, he would’ve known about her.

I’ve seen Mari, the signs of the hard life she led in the lines on her face, the calluses on her hands. Even if she doesn’t seem too crazy about me being with her daughter, I respect her for having done all that she could for Evie. She really deserved better than Bradley.

“So what do you plan on doing now? Stay in L.A. for a while, or…?” I ask over our main course of steak and lobster tail, keeping my tone friendly.

“Uh. Yeah. I’d like to get to know Evie. Maybe go visit Mari together, you know?” he says a bit sheepishly.

“Have you spoken with her recently?” I ask.

“Not yet.”

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance