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“What kind of things?” If it’s about what’s going on in Korea, she’s going to demur, because we don’t discuss certain private family business in front of others, even if it’s my soul sister.

“Fresh new bachelors. We found some you’ll like.”

Mom sounds way too convinced for my own good, and that strikes terror into my heart. Actually, the terror I’m feeling is like a wrecking ball. Whenever my mom says “some you’ll like,” it never ends well. I disagree with her options and her feelings get hurt.

Not to mention, I still haven’t figured out a graceful way to bring up Declan.

“Hey, Mom, guess who I slept with?” isn’t really the best opening. On top of that, she’s going to want to commission a dossier on him and ask me if I plan on marrying him. She thinks I’m too old to just be dating.

We return to the hotel. I realize I haven’t contacted Declan even once since he dropped me off at Ivy’s place.

I pull out my phone and angle it so Mom can’t read the screen.

–Me: I’m about to have dinner with Mom. Wish I could spend the evening with you instead.

Although that might be difficult with Mr. Choi around again. He takes his job super seriously. He’s the perfect bodyguard when I want to be left alone, but the worst when I want some intimate time with my new boyfriend.

–Declan: Me too.

–Me: Sorry. This isn’t how I envisioned our first day as a couple.

–Declan: No prob. You couldn’t have done anything about your mom showing up.

I can feel the gentle soothing in the text and sigh. I so want to see him right now.

–Declan: Promise not to mope around alone at home. Haha. I’m going to meet Aiden for drinks. You haven’t seen your mom in a while, so have a good time.

–Me: Thanks! Have a great time with Aiden, too! <3

I smile and put the phone away before Mom can ask me who I’m texting. Once we reach the hotel, we go to the restaurant on the top floor for cocktails and dinner. Ms. Lim already arranged everything, because that woman can sense what Mom wants before she says it.

The table we get seated at is in a corner with a perfect view of the city. I order a margarita with an extra shot of tequila because I’m going to need it. Mom orders a glass of dry Riesling, and we drink with a platter of fresh lobster chunks, prawns and oysters between us to serve as anju, snacks Koreans like to eat while drinking.

“Your dad and I’ve given this whole marriage thing a lot of thought, and we know what the problem is now,” Mom begins.

Uh oh. “You do?”

“Yes. We gave you too many choices.”

“I thought having lots of options was great. The more the merrier.” I’m dreading where this is going. Should I just tell her I’m in a relationship with Declan and I don’t think I can go with her picks? But how should I start? If she asks me questions about his family, friends, education, finances and so on, I won’t be able to answer any of them. But she’s going to expect me to know because that’s how it would be if I were dating somebody in Korea.

Then I also remember that Declan and I agreed we’re in a relationship, but he didn’t say he was thinking of marriage. That’s going to make him completely unacceptable to Mom, even more so than him not being Korean—a deal-breaker in itself—not merger material and not from the ri

ght echelon of society.

So many strikes against him. My head starts to throb.

“Having too many choices leads to paralysis and indecision. I thought we were above that, but I suppose psychology is universal. So. Your dad and I went over the candidates and picked out the best three.”

If this was about which three companies to invest in, I’d be ecstatic. Dad’s good with that sort of thing. But marriage? I’m sure they picked out the three best merger candidates.

“This one in particular is excellent,” Mom says. “Ryu Taejo. He’s only a year older than you, is in charge of a thriving construction arm within Se-In Group and he’s an excellent violinist. His favorite composition is Vitali’s Chaconne in G-minor, which also happens to be your favorite. It’s like it’s fate!”

Yeah, just like it’s fate that a dog and I both like eating steak.

“And he plays it like a dream,” Mom continues. “I have a recording if you want to hear it.”

I start to say no thanks. I’m quite happy with Heifetz’s recording and don’t need this Ryu Taejo’s rendition. But before I can decline, Mom shakes her head. “Never mind. I’ll have Ms. Lim send it to you. Once you hear it, you’ll know how talented he is. His performance makes your soul soar, which means he has the sensitive, delicate heart you’re looking for.”

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance