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Oh jeez. This is an angle she’s never tried before. Should I point out most artistic geniuses are neither sensitive nor delicate? They’re more like temperamental assholes. And womanizers. And crazy. And have syphilis. So many classic composers died from it. I mean, none of them cut off an ear like Vincent van Gogh. But that’s setting the bar pretty low.

Besides, nobody who is in charge of a construction company has a sensitive, delicate heart. It wouldn’t last a second in the midst of all the jackhammering ruckus.

Mom adds, “Not to mention, it’d be adorable because you could play Chaconne together.”

“If I need somebody to play it with me, I can always ask one of my classmates from Curtis,” I say with a thin smile.

“You don’t have to be so negative,” Mom says. “I just want you to be open-minded. He’s also very handsome.” She gestures at Ms. Lim, who brings over three large, glossy photos. “Take a look.”

I make a show of studying the pictures. Mom won’t stop otherwise.

Okay, so…he’s not bad. Nice black hair, slightly slanted black eyebrows and wide-set eyes. But I’ve been with Declan Winters for three weeks now. Ryu Taejo simply doesn’t stack up.

“If you want, I can arrange to have him fly out here to meet you. A vacation. Just the two of you.”

“Please, no,” I say. “That’s not what I need right now. Besides, I can’t just take time off to meet some guy. I’m a working woman, remember?” Who would’ve thought Eugene’s ridiculous bet would come in handy?

Mom sighs. “Fine. Have Ms. Kim work wherever you’re frittering away what’s left of your twenties until they find a permanent replacement.”

“Mom! That is soooo unprofessional.” There’s no way I’m letting Ms. Kim work for Declan and have the pleasure of counting reps when he works out! That task belongs to me!

“I’m serious, Yuna.” Mom shifts until she’s sitting straighter. “You’re going to get married by this winter. The venue Ms. Hong reserved is rather nice. It’s one of four I selected, actually.”

Mom’s too serious, and her deadline is weird. Why this winter? She always wanted me to marry in late spring because that’s apparently the best season for weddings. “Why? Is Hae Min in trouble?”

She looks away, her eyebrows pinching briefly.

There’s definitely something strange going on. Suspicion already took root; now it blooms like a poisonous flower in my gut. “You’ve been acting really odd. If I have to get married by a certain time, I deserve to know the whole story.”

Chapter Thirty-Nine


Aiden and I meet at Angelina on the top floor of the Aylster Hotel for drinks. The place has floor-to-ceiling glass walls, and the view is absolutely stunning up here no matter when you come, even on the odd day when it’s raining. And today it’s sunny and beautiful.

I make a mental note to bring Yuna here for a date when she can get free of her mom. She’ll love the food and everything about this place.

“So. Everything go okay with your assistant and the whole baby thing?” Aiden asks.

“Yup. Totally smooth. Yuna’s friend had twins. They’re cute.” I think about the babies. And how Yuna smiled when she held them. The memory does something funny to my heart. Just like the memory of what happened afterward does something to my dick.

But mostly, it’s the heart.

“Babies are nice when they aren’t your responsibility. Otherwise, no thanks. Do you know that newborn calves can walk on their own within an hour? Human babies can’t even shit correctly until they’re, like, two,” Aiden says.

“Someone piss in your Wheaties?” When he gives something this much negative energy, it means he’s unhappy about life in general.

“I just think human babies aren’t as adapted for survival, but somehow we manage to stay at the top of the food chain. No thanks to babies.”

Babies might not have put us on the top of the food chain, but they sure are great at making Yuna smile. So they’re awesome if you ask me. But Aiden’s in no mood to appreciate them, obviously. “Well, you’re just a ray of sunshine. You were in a much better mood yesterday. I don’t think it’s because Yuna and I had to leave early.”


“So what’s going on? Some asshole judge deny a motion or something?”

“Ha! My opposing counsel wishes that, but he has a better chance of licking his own balls.” He takes a swig of his drink. “Nah, I just, you know…got stood up.”

I almost spew out my wine. “What? Why?” Aiden might not be movie-star handsome, but he’s still a good-looking bastard. And very successful. Ella might’ve tried to marry him if it weren’t for the fact that I would never let that happen to my best friend.

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance