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“I have some stuff to discuss with her,” Declan adds.

“Okay, then. See you later, Yuna,” Court says.

“See you.”

We say all goodbye to one another. Nate and Edgar whisk Evie and Jo away pretty quickly. Kim and Wyatt leave hurriedly too, since they have a small kid and a sitter waiting at home. Court walks off with Pascal. And Ryder follows them out.

I walk down the hospital corridor slowly, realizing that all I have to go back to is an empty mansion. My knees feel like jelly after all the tension. It’s happened a few times before. Although this lightheadedness is new.

Declan looks at me. “You okay?”

“Yeah. The day couldn’t have ended better.”

“I wasn’t asking about the day. You look tired. And pale.”

“It’s just late.” I look up at him. Staying up has put lines around his gorgeous eyes, too. “Thank you. Really. It was nice of you to stay.”

“My pleasure. You want to grab something to eat?” he asks.

I should probably go home instead of taking up more of his time. But I don’t want to be alone just yet. Not after what I saw in the recovery room. Besides, Declan needs to eat, too. “Sure,” I say.

“What are you in the mood for?”

“Pizza, maybe? Is there anything open this late, though? Or do they deliver when it’s after eleven?”

“Are you kidding? This is L.A. Delivery at my place good?”

“Sure.” It means I won’t have to go home. I’ll be going to Declan’s home and spending more time with him.

Ooh, a young woman and a young man together, alone, late at night, an excited voice that sounds suspiciously like Ivy says in my head.

I’m not going to jump him over a pizza. But it sounds unconvincing even to me, as my mind is already replaying the kiss we had. Since then, though, we haven’t done anything. And I’m not sure if I’m ready to go further than that with Declan.

I’ll split a bottle of wine with him before I make up my mind. As happy as I am for Ivy and Tony, I want some alcohol to soothe the weird emptiness that’s settled over me. Maybe it’s just low blood sugar. Or maybe it’s a feeling of sadness that I’m nowhere near close to having a perfect family like they have. I really don’t want a cold future like my brother has, where the husband sends lawyers to deal with a car accident his wife is involved in, without a single warm word for the wife. The loving marriage my parents have is pretty rare among chaebol. I know that. But still…

I shake myself mentally. I’m not thinking straight. Food should pull me out of this weird funk. So that way, if we repeat the kiss—or take things further—it won’t be because I’m lonely. Declan deserves a woman who wants him, not an emotional bandage.

Declan drives. The streets are relatively empty. I look out the windows, and everything seems to go blurry. The next thing I know, Declan’s pulling into his home in Malibu.

“Yuna, we’re here,” he says gently.

“I know. I’m awake now.” I try to blink the sleep away. I wish I could have coffee. But it’s too late, and I don’t want to stay up all night.

“You must be really tired.”

“I feel bad because you were driving.” I’m supposed to be his assistant, but right now I feel like he’s the one doing the assistant’s job. And being a chauffeur.

“I can operate on little sleep. Besides, I don’t mind a quiet drive.”

“Okay.” My head is still slightly foggy. Once I’m out of the car, I feel better as I breathe in the cool night air coming off the Pacific.

We start to walk toward his home, and the pizza arrives. Declan gives me the keys to unlock his house while he deals with the delivery guy.

I open the door, and he carries the still-hot pizz

a into the kitchen. My stomach growls loudly.

“Hungry?” he says.

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance