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“I want to see the babies better!” Kim’s barely restrained as she comes out of the bathroom. “And take pictures! And hold them! I’m clean now!”

Tony laughs. “Fine, fine. Meet Sebastian and Katherine.” His grin is so wide, so full of joy, that my heart flutters.

Evie moves closest to Ivy. “Oh my goodness, they’re gorgeous,” she says softly, her eyes on the twins. “Is it okay if I hold them?”

“Sure,” Ivy says.

Then it’s everyone trying to line up to hold the twins. Since I already held Sebastian, I cuddle with Katherine before anybody else.

She’s tiny—smaller and lighter than her twin brother. I think my hands put together are bigger than she is. I look at her and Sebastian. They barely open their eyes, like they can’t seem to get used to the brightness or all the sound around them. I’m sure it’s nothing like how it was in Ivy’s womb, where it was warm and dark and safe.

Don’t worry. I’m going to keep you safe, too. They’re Ivy’s children, so that makes them mine to take care of, too. I have huge plans to pamper them.

“They’re so cute. Are they supposed to be this small?” Edgar says.

“They’re twins,” Ivy says. “So yes.”

“But they have everything they’re supposed to,” Jo says, getting teary. “Ten little fingers and ten little toes.”

“They’re the most perfect babies ever. Who came out first?” I ask.

“Sebastian,” Tony says.

“He’s handsome, like me,” Ryder says.

“It’s my kid,” Tony says.

“Yeah, but he’s handsome. Like me.”

I laugh when Ryder waggles his eyebrows. It’s so like him, but then he is surreally good looking.

“And I got them something to make them even more handsome, again like me.” He pulls out two gorgeous deep navy and silver boxes. “Ankle bracelets with their names. Made with pure white gold to avoid any metal allergies. Custom designed and crafted in Italy, baby.” He grins at the twins. “When you have an awesome godfather like me, you can get all the nice things in the world.” He makes weird baby noises as he puts the shiny jewelry around their tiny ankles.

I watch enviously because I wish I could give them something nice too. Except my accounts are still frozen. Damn Eugene.

“Who says you’re going to be their godfather?” Tony jokes.

“Who else is deserving of that title, huh?”

Ryder and Tony bicker while I admire the anklets. They’re simply gorgeous. I also love the little diamond accents on each side of their names.

Ivy yawns, her eyelids drooping. Tony rubs her shoulder gently, love shining in his green eyes.

I look at my soul sister and what she has—a doting husband, two amazing babies. Even though the room’s full of people, their love binds them into a special unit. It’s what enables them to fight everything together, endure every hardship together, and share every bit of joy with each other.

It’s exactly what I want to have. A longing pierces my heart until it feels ready to burst with happiness for her and envy for what she has. And the fact that I’m jealous at all makes me feel pathetic and small. I should only feel happiness for her. Ivy fought so, so hard for what she has.

I wish I could stay longer, but Ivy’s clearly exhausted. And Evie and Jo must be tired, too.

We exchange hugs and cast more adoring looks at the twins, then leave the family of four behind.

“Do you need a ride?” Nate asks as we pour out into the hall.

“I can drop her off,” Declan says before I can respond.

Great minds think alike. I was hoping to go with him. “What he said.”

“It’s no problem,” Court says.

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance