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Chapter Four


It was early—maybe six in the morning. I woke up first, spooning Francesca with my heavy arms pinning her against my much bigger body. I stayed like that for a long time, breathing in the fresh scent of her curls as my mind raced through everything that happened last night.

The first time I’d taken Frankie was wild and explosive, but later, after both of us dozed for a bit, we woke again and when she rolled into my arms, it was for something soft and gentle. I kissed all the bare, golden skin that I could reach, settling between her thighs to lick her soft pussy with long, leisurely strokes, until she practically sobbed from the sensations. Once she’d climaxed against my seeking tongue, I surged up to cover her body with mine, bracketing her arms with mine as I slowly moved inside her warm, welcoming core.

It wasn’t fucking—not that second time, anyway. She wound her arms and legs around me, whispering her pleasure in my ear with every measured thrust, until she shattered around me. She sank her teeth into the hard flesh of my shoulder as she came, triggering my own climax with the slight pain that sent fireworks rocketing straight down my spine.

At that moment, she looked so beautiful in my arms that my heart ached. My guts roiled with my confusing, conflicting emotions, and I didn’t say anything else to her—just pulled her into my arms and held her until we both fell asleep again.

I blinked against the pale morning light that streamed through the curtains, then buried my face in her hair, breathing in her sweet scent and wishing it wasn’t already morning.

She took a deep breath, exhaling with a soft sigh as she pushed back against me. My cock stirred against her lush ass, but I ignored it as I pressed my lips against her shoulder.

“Morning,” she mumbled sleepily. She rolled to face me and settled her head into the hollow of my shoulder as she blinked against the soft daylight. “What time is it?”

“Early.” I pulled her in closer and shifted to my back. “About six.”

She reached out and traced a finger along one of the tattoos that decorated my shoulders and chest. “Never seen any of these before. I like them.”

I gathered up her fingers in mine and brought them to my lips for a quick kiss. “Yeah, I’ve collected a few over the years. Maybe one of these days I’ll get a sleeve or something, but I haven’t decided yet what to do.”

I looked down at Frankie and saw her small, private smile as she nestled in closer. The rosy tip of one breast was just visible from my vantage point, and I took a deep breath as I savored the soft feel of her body against mine and the way the light filtering through the curtains made her warm skin almost glow against the stark whiteness of the rumpled cotton sheets.

Having her in my arms this way felt fucking perfect. So good that it made me dread what I had to say even more than I already did.

“Francesca,” I said gently as I pressed another kiss to the top of her head. “We need to talk.”

She pushed herself up on one elbow and looked at me, her expression suddenly guarded. “I already don’t like where this is going.”

I shook my head as I sat up and gathered the sheets around my waist. “It’s not what you think.”

With one smooth roll, she hopped off the mattress and started to pick her clothes up off the floor.

“Just say it,” she snapped as she yanked her panties up her slender legs and into place. “You made a mistake and this was a horrible idea. I can already feel you thinking it.”

I sighed and settled back against the headboard, patting the spot next to me. “Frankie, just sit, would you?”

“Fine,” she huffed, still frowning as she settled back on the mattress, t-shirt in hand. She pulled it over her bare breasts and then crossed her legs, staring at me expectantly. “So was this a mistake for you, or not?”

I hesitated. “I…no, I don’t think it was. I loved being with you, Frankie. But this can’t happen again.”

Her mouth tightened as angry tears started to sparkle in her eyes as I rushed on—I needed to get all of it out now, before those tears fell and my resolve crumbled.

“Or at least not like this,” I continued. “I don’t know if we have a future together, and I can’t just keep sleeping with my daughter’s best friend because it feels good. I don’t want to do that to you. To her. It could really hurt your friendship, Frankie.”

Frankie remained silent, head cocked as she stared at me sullenly.

I took a deep breath and continued. “I have to go back to Minneapolis tonight, and I want us to…take some time to think about everything. To think about what we want.”

“I know what I want, and that’s you,” she said unequivocally. “I don’t care that you’re older—”

“But I do care,” I cut in, needing her to hear me out. “It’s not a dealbreaker, but it matters. You’re young and you deserve the kind of life with a man that I’m not sure I’m capable of giving you because of my age.”

She threw her hands up in the air. “Clive, this is bullshit and you know it. Last night was the best sex I’ve ever had, because finally—fucking finally—I was with the person I have always wanted, since the first day I met you. I’ve thought about it for years. Years.”

I stared at her, stunned by her admission. “That long?”

Tags: Kaylee Monroe Romance