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“You wore that gorgeous little dress at the restaurant where we went to dinner,” he said as he returned his fingers to my folds, dragging them along my drenched, needy slit. “And the whole time I couldn’t stop thinking about this.” He slid two fingers into my slick channel for emphasis.

Finally.I sighed blissfully and wiggled against his thick fingers as he lazily fucked them in and out of me, and his thumb toyed with my clit. “Well, don’t let anything stop you now.”

“Definitely not,” he said, and shoved his fingers deep as he leaned forward and greedily sucked my clit into his mouth.

A shriek tore out of my throat as he mercilessly demanded my surrender with his fingers and tongue—giving me so much pleasure that my nerve endings all jangled with sensation, and even the textured surface of the bedspread felt almost overwhelming against my damp skin. A third finger joined the first two, and he caught my clit between his teeth to flutter his tongue against it as he pushed in deep, while his little finger, slippery from my weeping pussy, gently teased my asshole.

“Oooh, Clive,” I hissed as I grabbed at the covers and rocked against him with abandon. “Don’t you dare stop.”

And he didn’t stop, not with the steady tickle of his tongue against my most sensitive parts or the slide of his thick fingers into my core. I wound my legs around his head and pulled him closer, while somewhere deep inside me, a slim thread of sanity stretched tighter and tighter.

Until finally, swamped by brutal pleasure, the thread snapped, and with a muffled cry against my palms, I tumbled and fell apart in the most unexpected way.

Clive held me through the whole thing, his frantic licks slowing to gentle caresses as he withdrew his sopping fingers and sucked them clean. He crawled on top of my heaving body and pressed his lips to mine, sharing my flavor as I twined my limbs around him and pulled him closer.

He ended the kiss and hesitated, and for one horrible second I thought he was going to change his mind. At this point, I was certain I’d die if I didn’t feel him filling me up inside me.

“Frankie,” he groaned in abject disappointment, pressing his forehead to mine. “I don’t have any condoms here with me.”

I relaxed in relief. Oh, thank God it was a concern I could easily alleviate. “I’m on the pill and clean,” I assured him.

“Same here,” he murmured, and that needy heat ignited in his eyes once again. “God, the thought of fucking you bare drives me insane.”

I lifted my head a few inches from the bed and nipped his bottom lip. “Then do it. I want you, Clive. All of you.”

His cock, hard as a fucking marble pillar and even bigger than before, slid through my swollen folds, eliciting a gasp from me as it bumped my still-sparking clit. He groaned and buried his face in my neck as he slowly, wordlessly, worked every single inch of his dick inside of me, huffing a sigh as he seated himself all the way home.

I clung to him and whimpered at the glorious sensation—I felt stretched to my limit and I fucking loved it.

He pulled back and paused. For a second, we just stared at each other, lost in the sublime moment that neither of us ever really expected. My heart pounded as the corner of his lips quirked up in a lopsided smile, so overwhelmingly sexy and handsome that I knew I would never forget how he looked in that moment.

“I always wanted you, Frankie,” he said softly.

I swallowed hard and slid my fingers into his short, dark hair, pulling him close for a long, tongue-tangling kiss. It was gentle and sweet, nothing like the rough play from just minutes earlier, but somehow, that made it all the more compelling. Tears prickled at the corners of my eyes as I held him close and tried to tell him about all the years of longing I’d felt for him without using any words.

He thrust gently at first, in and out with smooth, careful strokes, mindful of the difference between his big body and my much smaller one. But before long, my body yielded to his, and when I dug my fingernails into his muscular ass to drag him closer, deeper, he lost his iron control and slammed hard into my wet, wanting pussy.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and met him stroke for stroke, my body buzzing as the slick glide of his cock dragged perfectly against my sensitive tissues.

“Take it,” he ordered gruffly. He planted a big hand by my head for leverage and snapped his hips against mine with such bruising force I knew I was going to be deliciously sore tomorrow. “Fuck my dick, Frankie.”

I gasped and slid my fingers down my belly to my throbbing clit as he drove that big cock inside me with perfect speed. He glanced down at my fingers and gave me an approving growl as he reached over with his free hand and pinched my tender nipples. The sharp sensation shot down between my legs, and I nearly came on the spot. He bent down and soothed the burn with a hot swipe of his tongue, and then reached over to the other side and pinched again.

I whimpered at the decadent pain that seemed to be directly connected to my clit. I thought I couldn’t come any harder than I did before, but when I looked down and saw his big dick, slick and shiny with my juices, shuttling in and out of me at blinding speed, I felt a second, bigger climax boil up inside of me within seconds.

“I’m gonna come,” I panted through the aggressive thrusts and grind of his hips against mine. “So good . . . don’t stop.”

Clive abruptly pulled out and moved off the bed with his feet hitting the floor. I’d barely uttered a whimper at the loss before he grabbed my ankles and yanked me toward him, then notched his cock between my legs and slid back into me before I had a chance to complain. He hooked my knees over his arms, spreading me wide and stealing my breath as he slammed in and out of me without any leniency.

I reached down to where we were joined, his hot gaze tracking my movement and his jaw clenching as I rubbed my tender clit as he hurtled me higher and higher with every possessive, jarring thrust.

God, I’d never been fucked so thoroughly, and I loved the way he dominated my body and pleasure. He was everything I’d ever wanted . . . and needed.

“Are you ready?” he rasped.

“Yes,” I uttered, plucking and pinching my own nipple with my free hand because I knew it would drive him wild to see my inhibition.

He swore beneath his breath, and I felt him stiffen even more inside of me as I watched the cut muscles of his beautiful body tense up.

Now, Frankie!” he demanded.

And together, we both fell apart, me with a soft cry and him with a long, loud growl that tore from his chest. He sagged forward and pressed his cheek to mine as he shook with a shattering climax. I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him close, savoring his weight, the way his solid body surrounded me, and the pleasure that tingled down my spine in soft waves. Wishing that we could stay like that forever, locked in this bubble of unrestrained pleasure and honesty.

He raised his head from my damp skin and pressed his lips to mine, soft and searching. I could practically hear his roiling thoughts—as obvious as mine probably were to him.

But when he opened his mouth, I shushed him with gentle fingers. “Don’t say a word,” I whispered.

I didn’t know how long it would last—a few hours, a night, or a lifetime—but right then, Clive Davenport was finally mine and I refused to let him ruin the intimate moment between us with any regrets.

I was going to hold on to him for as long as he would let me.

Tags: Kaylee Monroe Romance