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“Not until you take your punishment.”

“Punishment for what?”

“For talking back,” Damian growled right before his palm crashed down on my backside.

My eyes slammed shut from the sting of his skin slapping mine. But my pride and dignity hurt much worse. Luca and Marcello stood behind them and watched without speaking a word. They were used to their father handing out punishments. It actually surprised me Luca wasn’t the one holding me down, spanking me like a spoiled child.

After the third whack, Damian and Bastian switched places. They enjoyed torturing me so much they turned it into a sport. Who could make me scream the loudest? Which of them could make me cry first? I wasn’t the same scared girl anymore.

Bastian spanked my ass exactly three times, same as his brother. Then he reached between my thighs to feel what he’d done to me. I was so wet his hand slid right down the soaked fabric. Every time he touched me, I had the same reaction.

I couldn’t control how my body responded to his cruelty. There was something about him I craved. Somewhere deep down inside, I was just as sick as him. That was what scared me most about the Salvatore brothers.

They lived to torture me.

But I could handle their abuse and would play their sick games. My real fear came from not understanding why I liked it so much. Why a small part of me needed them to hurt me.

“Always so wet for men you hate so much,” Bastian taunted. He dipped his head down and whispered in my ear, “Did you save yourself for me, Cherry?”

“She’s not yours, Bash,” Luca growled.

Bastian glanced over at his brother. “Right, she’sours.”

He pulled me up from the couch and helped me to my feet. I couldn’t even look at any of them as the shame heated my cheeks.

I walked out of the living room and down the hallway toward the back of the apartment. “Aiden, where are you?”

Four sets of footsteps pounded the hardwood floor behind me. The cruelest men I had ever met caged me in, and I wasn’t getting out of here without doing what they wanted. My brother was the only leverage they had over me. They would do awful things to him and make me watch just so I would comply.

I heard a muffled moan and raced into the dining room. They tied Aiden to a wooden dining chair with his hands behind his back, a bandana covering his mouth. Red-hot anger flooded my veins, burning me from the inside out.

I moved behind him and worked on untying the knots. No matter how hard I pulled, I couldn’t get them to budge. As I studied the intricate knots, I realized it was no use. Bastian had tied them. He was into bondage and other sick shit and had perfected his craft.

“Untie him,” I yelled as I glared at Bastian.

A cocky smirk graced his lips. “Say the magic words, Cherry.”

He didn’t want me to beg. I knew exactly what he wanted, and it killed me to accept my fate.

But what choice did I have?

We were out-manned and outmatched. I couldn’t even untie the restraints, let alone defeat all four of them.

“I’m yours,” I whispered.

Bastian inched toward me, a sly grin in place. “I didn’t hear you, Cherry. Say it again.”

I pressed my lips together, then glanced down at Aiden. He shook his head, screaming for me to stop. Aiden didn’t care what they did to him. Anything to keep me from marrying into this sick and twisted family.

“I’m yours, Bash.”

“Answer my question from earlier.” His fingers burrowed into my hip as he pulled me closer.

“I’m still a virgin.”

“Good girl.” He rolled his thumb across my lips. “It’s time to take you home.”


Tags: Jillian Frost Princes of Devil's Creek Erotic