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Something had always drawn me to Bastian… and that made him curious about me.

Bastian stepped toward me, a wicked smirk on his full lips. He cupped my cheek with his big hand and studied my face. “I’ve been waiting for you, Cherry. Did you miss me?”

“No, get your hands off me.” I pushed his hand away from my face, teeth gritted. “I’m not your Cherry.” Attempting to move around them, I yelled, “Aiden.”

Damian laughed.

So did Luca.

Bastian scratched his jaw while Marcello just stared at me. He was quiet, most of the time stuck inside his head.

“What the fuck are you assholes doing in my apartment? And where the fuck is my brother?”

“Your brother is safe.” Bastian smirked. “For now.”

I slammed my palms into his chest and tried to rush past him. But Damian was on my ass, reaching out to wrap his fingers around my wrist.

He yanked me backward into his chest and breathed against my earlobe. “Haven’t you learned your lesson, Pet?”

I laughed in his face. “I’m not your pet, you sick fuck.”

Damian was gorgeous, with alabaster skin that was so perfect and smooth I wanted to touch it. But despite his good looks, a monster hid beneath his tailored clothes.

Like his brothers, he was the devil in disguise. I feared him most of all because he was so unpredictable. With Luca, I expected rage and chaos. Marcello was all about efficiency and speed, in control of himself at all times. He was the most level-headed of the group.

Bastian was still somewhat of a wild card. I could never properly figure him out, but I knew he was hiding something. A secret. I liked secrets and wanted to uncover his.

Damian’s fingers closed over my throat. “You’re whatever I want you to be, Pet. Get out of line this time, and your brother will pay the price.”

I dug my fingernails into his forearm to loosen his hold. “Let me go, psycho.”

“Now, now, Pet.” He stroked the side of my face gently, like he was petting a kitten. “It’s not nice to call your owner names.” My eyes widened at his comment, and he gave me a creepy smile that sent a shiver down my arms. “You know why we’re here. Now be a good girl and go pack your shit.”

“It’s time to choose, Drea.” Luca was the only person who ever called me that. He moved beside Damian, glaring at me with the usual hatred in his dark blue eyes. “We let you off your leash long enough. You’re coming back with us to Devil’s Creek.”

Damian held me tighter, his breath ghosting over my cheek. “This time, we’re keeping you.”

I gasped. “I’m not yours to keep.”

“When you sign a contract with the devil,” Bastian said as he stroked his fingers roughly through my hair, “your soul belongs to him.”

I raised my hand to slap him, but he caught my arm midair. “Don’t test me, Cherry. I’ll bend you over my knee and spank your ass until it’s black and blue.”

I rolled my eyes and flicked my long ponytail over my shoulder. “Your threats don’t scare me.”

Damian inspected me with fascination. I knew my anger and hatred toward him turned him on, and yet I always poked the demon.

When I turned to walk away, he grabbed me from behind. He lifted me in his arms and dropped me onto the living room couch as if I weighed nothing.

“I see you’re going to be a pain in my ass, Pet.” Damian shoved my face into the cushion and held me down as he hiked my skirt up my thighs. He tugged on the string of my thong so it slapped against my skin. “Such a dirty little whore. This skirt barely covers your ass.”

Bastian sat on the couch cushion beside my head, and his long fingers wove through my hair. At first, he was gentle, but as he continued to touch me, he got rougher and more forceful. “We’re not sharing you with the world, Cherry.” His hand slid down my back and over my ass. “This,” he said as he grabbed my ass cheek, “is ours. And you better remember that the next time you leave the house dressed like a slut.”

“I’m not dressed like a slut.” I turned my head to the side to look up at him. “Fuck you.”

“You want to go first?” Bastian asked Damian with a crazed look in his eyes.

I thrashed and kicked my legs at Damian, who held me down with the weight of his body. “Get off me!”

Tags: Jillian Frost Princes of Devil's Creek Erotic