Page 96 of Christmas Triad

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It didn’t take long to put the Adam unpleasantness behind us. Clarissa showed up with a round of eggnog, and together we made our way down to the bonfire for some toasted marshmallows. It was a picture-perfect Christmas Eve surrounded by friends and loved ones. The air seemed to grow colder, and before long, white flurries of snow fell from the sky. We were far enough North to get some snow, but it was still rare enough to feel special.

Me and the guys spent time sitting together, cuddled close for warmth, watching the bonfire crackle. It was already one of the best nights of my life. And it wasn’t over yet.

“I think people are beginning to head home,” Evan said, his hand gently stroking my hair as I rested my head against his chest. “The fire is about to go out too, unless you’d like me to re-start it.”

“No, I think it’s fine,” I said, lifting my head to see who was still left. It was getting late, and most of us had Christmas day plans bright and early. I was surprised the party had already gone as late as it had, but grateful that everyone seemed to have had a good time. “But maybe we should move somewhere more--well, private.”

The matter didn’t even need to be discussed. We all rose and, drinks in hand, made our way back into the house The few partygoers that were left all wrapped up in their own fun, drinking hot cocoa and enjoying the light snowfall on the beach, none of them seemed to notice me and my three boyfriends, God, that felt good to say, leaving the party.

The deck was empty, so we took the stairs up to the roof where we were alone. The view was wonderful. From where we stood, we could see the ocean to the west. And to the north was the bay, the circle-shaped body of water dotted with boats, houses around its border. Snow still fell softly around us, not really sticking, but adding to the festive atmosphere, nonetheless.

I dropped into one of the cushioned benches, my arms stretched out across the back. I’d only had a couple of drinks over the last few hours, so the buzz swimming in my head was absolutely perfect. The badness with Adam was a distant memory. In those moments, it was as if I didn’t have a care in the world.

Duncan sat to my right, Evan to my left. And Jay took one of the nearby chairs, moving it closer so he wasn’t left out

“Are you ready?” Jay asked.

“Ready for what?” I asked, as Duncan covered me with a throw he had grabbed on our way to the roof. I thanked him and curled up underneath it, feeling warmer and toastier.

“Your gifts,” Jay said.

“You actually got me presents? You guys, after all that you’ve done for me, from helping me move to dealing with Adam, you really didn’t have to get me anything.”

“What kind of ex-stepbrothers - would we be if we didn’t get you a little something?” Evan said with a teasing smile.

I rolled my eyes playfully. “You guys were never my stepbrothers.”

“For five minutes there, we were technically, by law at least,” Evan continued to tease.

I pretended to groan, but I couldn’t hide the smile from my face either.

Just being alone and near the guys was enough to start a tingle between my legs. I bit my lip and glanced from Evan to Duncan, the sexual tension building by the moment. Evan’s hand was on my thigh, Duncan’s arm wrapped around me.

But still I wanted more, and I didn’t mean presents, unless that present was each of them naked and pleasuring me

“Well, I got all of you something too, but you’re going to have to wait until tomorrow. I left the gifts at my mom’s. Didn’t know we’d be exchanging them tonight.”

“Oh, we have gifts for you for tomorrow too, but some things… well some things we’d like to give you, we can’t give you in front of your mom, if you get what I mean.” Evan winked at me playfully.

Heat rose inside of my body, and I felt like I might not need the throw for long.

But before we went even further, I wanted to be sure of something.

“So, guys,” I said. “We’re all together now, right? Not just physically, but we’re together.”

“That’s right,” said Duncan, turning his attention toward me with a twinkle in his eye that suggested he was having similar thoughts. “And I don’t know about you all, but it feels pretty damn good to me.”

“Same here,” said Evan.

Jay nodded, his gaze focused directly onto me.

“So, if we’re to do this, we’re going to have to learn to share. Where do we even begin?”

The guys glanced at one another, each with the same smile on his face.

“How about…,” began Evan, a thoughtful tone to his words. “We start with a kiss?”

Tags: K.C. Crowne Erotic