Page 95 of Christmas Triad

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“Let me get you guys some drinks,” said Clarissa. “God knows I’d be needing something after all of that. “Eggnog OK?”

“As long as it’s spiked with some rum, it sounds great,” I said.

Clarissa smiled. “Do you think we’d have non-alcoholic eggnog? What kind of woman do you take me for, Dream?”

The two women shared a smile, and she was gone, hurrying down the stairs. From the other flight of steps, the one that led to the second floor of the house, Duncan and Evan appeared. I stood up as soon as they arrived, ready for whatever news they might have.

“What’s the word?” I asked.

“He’s gone,” said Duncan. “And it doesn’t look like he’s coming back. I put in a call with one of my buddies at the station to keep an eye out for him wandering around town. If he’s still out causing trouble, they’ll throw him in the drunk tank for the night to sleep it off.”

“And I took care of the mess in your room,” said Evan. “Got all the glass from that bottle he threw. The hole in the wall’s going to need some patching up but shouldn’t be a problem.”

“Awesome,” I said.

Dream stood up and moved next to me. “Wow, I’m really starting to see some advantages in dating three men. A problem comes up and you guys can tackle it from all angles.” She flashed a sarcastic grin after she spoke.

“See?” asked Evan, a big smile on his face. “This arrangement is already paying off.”

“Is that what this is, Dream?” I asked. “Are you dating all three of us?”

Her eyes flashed with surprise, as if she’d said something that she hadn’t intended to.

“That…just kind of slipped out,” she replied. “But I don’t know, now that I’m thinking about it, the better it sounds. Like it was meant to be. What do you guys think? After all, you were the ones talking about how you don’t mind sharing.”

Evan didn’t waste a second before speaking. “I’m down as hell.”

Duncan smiled. “Same here. This bullshit with Adam wasn’t fun, but it did show that we all work well together.”

Everyone turned to me, waiting for my response.

It was a no-brainer. “Of course, I’m cool with the three of us sharing you. Dream, you’re a one-in-a-million woman. How selfish would any one guy have to be to think he should have you all to himself?”

Just like that, it was decided. Me and Duncan and Evan and Dream would all be together. It was a strange arrangement, no doubt about it, but it felt right.

“So,” she said. “What’s the plan for this fantastic foursome?”

“I think maybe we should have some eggnog first,” Dream said, her voice soft, “Then join everyone down at the bonfire for some S’mores before we do the gift exchange game.”

“Right,” said Evan. “I think that sounds like a hell of a plan. Of course, we’ll have to share our gifts for you in private later.” He followed his statement up with a wink.

“Yes, I think some alone time later would be good,” said Duncan with a smile and a nod. “Well, as alone as four people can be.”

“It’s a good thing you bought a king-sized bed,” said Evan.

“Then it’s settled,” said Dream. “Let’s make this a Christmas to remember.”

Tags: K.C. Crowne Erotic