Page 17 of The Killer's Prize

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Chapter Eight

“Can I really get all these clothes?” Jesse asked uncertainly. Sergio snatched the dresses from her arms and handed them over to the woman manning the cash register to scan.

“You can get anything you want,” he replied.

Even though it was just the two of them, plus the retail assistant in the store, he scanned the shop once more. A full week had passed since they’d taken refuge in Sergio’s trailer. It only took seven days for the two of them to settle on a routine.

That morning, Sergio announced it was safe to head out. Jessie immediately jumped at the chance to stretch her legs. Being stuck in the trailer twenty-four seven with Sergio wasn’t the most exciting in the world—especially since he seemed intent on rebuffing her advances. Jesse even started to wonder if he was all talk. She didn’t want to press the topic either because he looked stressed all the time. She kept reminding herself he was responsible for keeping them both safe.

“Please come again,” the woman said after bagging their purchases.

Jessie didn’t miss the interested look she flashed at Sergio. He didn’t even seem to notice her attention. She had to admit, she did feel a lot safer with him. Most locals in Hillcrest Pine avoided him like the plague and appeared intimidated by him.

“What else is on your list?” Sergio asked. They exited the store and dumped their purchases in the back of his car.

“I really want to pay you back eventually, for everything,” she said.

“Like I said, don’t worry about it. We barely made a dent in my savings.”

Money made from killing people, she remembered. Sometimes, it was easy to forget Sergio was a hitman for the Rossi Family. He might no longer be under Victor Rossi’s employ, but Jessie doubted he would retire. Once the heat was taken off and the Rossi family had forgotten about them, would Sergio go back to being a killer for hire? Where would that leave her?

They spent so much time in the trailer together, Jessie liked to pretend they were together. In the privacy of the trailer, he didn’t appear closed off, cold, or indifferent to her.

“Jessie? What’s wrong? I’ve called your name three times.”

Had he?

Jessie recalled his question. “Groceries. I have the list here.” She took out the list they made earlier that morning.

“This way.”

For someone who claimed he hated growing up here, Sergio still knew his way around. They walked three streets over and entered a grocery store. He grabbed a cart. She studied her list and began plucking the items they needed from the shelves and dumping them inside the cart. Grocery shopping distracted her from her growing doubts about Sergio, about their situation.

Once their food and supplies were bagged and placed in the back of his car, they started for the trailer again.

“Let’s head out for drinks tonight. Carver’s might be the only pub in town, but they serve the best bacon cheeseburgers I’ve ever tasted. We both could let off some steam,” Sergio said.

“We’re going on a date?” Jessie blurted.

Sergio frowned and stopped the car. They were already at the trailer. Jessie wasn’t even aware of the time flying by. “Wasn’t our trip to town considered a date?”

Jessie snorted. “We ran errands. That wasn’t a date.Tonightmight qualify as a date if you promise to dance with me.”

He scowled. “I don’t dance.”

She giggled. Just imagining her tough, inked, and grumpy hitman trying to keep up with her on the dance floor would be quite a sight to behold. “We’ll see.”

They tucked away their groceries and purchases. Sergio checked the security system and was on the phone with someone again by the time she had taken a quick shower. She placed the TV on mute.

Sergio had snuck in the trailer’s only bedroom and locked it behind him, but she could hear his pissed-off voice. She wondered what happened. He never lost his temper, especially around her. In fact, part of her wished he would quit at playing being a gentleman. She knew the real Sergio, the one who’d pinned her against the wall and left his hickey on her neck.

When he exited the room, she asked him, “Any news?”

“My contact inOakheartCity said that was the last conversation we were going to have.”

“That’s a bad thing?”

“I considered Giovanni a brother. We started working for Victor at the same time. We climbed the organization’s ranks together. Now he fucking tells me he’s terrified of Victor.” Sergio joined her on the sofa. Usually, he took the armchair. He must be really worried. She took his hand in hers. The pads of his fingers and palm felt rough against hers.

Tags: Winter Sloane Erotic