Page 6 of Grump Daddy

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“Why don’t you come with me?” she says.

My heart skips a beat, my jaw hangs open in shock.

“What?” I’m not sure I heard her right.

“I’m serious, Isabella, why not? I don’t want to go on my own with justhim, but with you there, it’ll be amazing. We can have so much fun. Snorkeling, sunbathing, partying…”

“But I have work…”

“Don’t be silly, you’re a freelance writer. You can work from anywhere! Would you rather work here all by yourself, or on the island with me?”

Shit, I kinda do like the idea of going to Laucala Island with Olivia. But only because it looks so beautiful I can hardly breathe. That isn’t a place that I would ever be able to go to on my own. I could never afford it. I don’t think any normal person could. It looked so insane, I could only imagine how much it costs.

I’m torn. I don’t want to get in the middle of a family reunion which may or may not happen, but I also liked the idea of being there for my friend. Supporting her if it got hard with her father.

Enjoying myself with her. Being on that beach in that sand…

But then her grumpy, stiff father will be there. I don’t want to have anything more to do with him if I can help it. But I suppose with my work and everything, I wouldn’t be in their way all the time.

During the day I would be working and my evenings would be spent with Olivia. I could hide out and avoid him as much as I want.

“Really?” I finally ask. “Are you sure you want me there? Because I definitely wasn’t invited and I don’t know if it’s a good idea to have me tag…”

“I’minviting you. Youhaveto come with me, Isabella. I can’t do this alone. I need you.” She pouts out her bottom lip playfully, but I can sense there is a real need there. “You know you’re the one who keeps me in check. You’re the one who makes me have fun and enjoy myself without losing my mind. I need you Is. Please come with me.”

I sigh heavily and agree. I don’t want to worry about whether this is a terrible idea, but it does feel like one. However, if I can get Olivia out of this funk and in a better mental place, then that will make it all worth it. I can’t stand seeing her hung up overhimany longer.

He’s been making a real effort to continuously post things with and about his new girlfriend, stabbing daggers into Olivia’s heart every single time. Perhaps this will be her chance to get revenge. To post photos of her on Laucala Island looking like a freaking goddess. That I can help out with.

“It does look like a fun, party island,” I admit, “So we can hang out…”

“Meet some guys.” Olivia wiggles her eyebrows playfully. “Because I really need to meet some guys to help me move on from the shit show going on in my heart. Andyouneed to meet a guy as well. How long has it been since you last had a date?”

“I don’t think we need to discuss that. I’m good thanks.”

“Months, right?” she chuckles. “Years? I can’t remember the last time that you had sex. When was your last orgasm?”

I swat at her in annoyance.

It’s been too long, far too long. I don’t even want to remember myself because it’s so embarrassing. But Olivia knows. She knows everything about me.

“Pack some of your sexiest bikinis,” Olivia says with a giggle. “So we can get our flirt on. I think a holiday romance is exactly what we both need right now.”

Thank goodness her spirits have lifted. She has a proper smile on her face, a lightness swirling around her, and it’s like a heavy weight has lifted off her shoulders. I can’t back out now, can I? It looks like my laptop and I are headed to Laucala Island, whether we’re invited or not, to make sure Olivia doesn’t do anything too crazy while she’s on her rebound.

“I don’t know if I have any sexy bikinis. I haven’t needed one in forever.”

“Then we can go shopping.”

Yeah, she isn’t letting me get out of this. “Because I might need some new stuff as well, and if my dad wants to pay for it, then good. He can. Because he has decades to make up for. He’s gotten away with far too much, and like you said I should use this chance to get what I want out of him. There’s no doubt in my mind, he will vanish again soon enough. I’m not naïve enough to think this will last forever.”

I take a look through the photos of Laucala Island on my cell phone once more, putting myself in the picture now. I guess it can’t hurt, can it? I could use some sun and fun. It’s been a while since I had a good time, and like Olivia said, I can work wherever I am.

It looks like it’s happening then.

Time to get excited…


Tags: Lisa Ryan Billionaire Romance