Page 7 of Grump Daddy

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I check my watch for what feels like the hundredth time, tapping my foot anxiously as I wait impatiently for Olivia to turn the hell up already. I told her the address, and gave her cash for a cab, so I know she has a way to get here. The longer it takes her, the more anxious I become that she simply won’t turn up.

She might want some kind of revenge, who knows?

If Olivia doesn’t take this olive branch and come to Laucala Island with me, I really don’t know what I’ll do. I’m not sure how else I can try and build a connection with my daughter. Sad, I know, for a father to feel that way, but I haven’t had the chance to be involved with Olivia before now.

I never knew that I was wanted.

Stop pinning so much on this,I scold myself, trying not to get all worked up before I get on the plane.

Whether it works or not, there will be other times.

I will still be going to the island, because I’m meeting with some business associates there. But it won’t be the same trip without Olivia there too. I have so many plans for us to work together and bond, but if she isn’t there…

“Elijah,” my driver declares, capturing my attention. “A cab, look.”

Relief cascades through me as the sight of the cab whisks away any fears that I’ve had. Once me Olivia and I are on Laucala Island, I can get some time alone with her and even explain everything that happened in the past. I was confident we would understand one another better. All the tension that has been tightly knotting up in my chest finally lets me go free.

“Thank God.”

Visibly my body sags. I guess I was even more panicked than I thought. “I’m glad. Now we can get the hell out of here and land on time. I don’t have to miss any meetings.”

The cab halts away from the private runway, as if Olivia is still feeling a little awkward and wants some distance between us while she adjusts. I have to remember that this isn’t just about me and her reconnecting, or should I say connecting properly for the first time ever. She’s also going through her own trauma. The abusive boyfriend, the horrible breakup, the accident…

I might want to run ahead at the speed of light, but I can’t be the one setting the pace.

“What the fuck?”

All the joy and anticipation coursing through my veins melts away as the woman who gets out of the car isn’t the face I’m expecting. It’s the curvy blonde who Olivia lives with, dressed in a light summery dress whipping around her knees as the breeze captures it. I can’t recall her name, but she looks like she’s ready for a vacation.

Actually, looking a bit like she’s ready for a modeling shoot, but the impact is the same.

I wasn’t expecting this, and now I’m a little struck.

My mouth runs dry. Olivia climbs out of the cab after her, but the elation just isn’t there. This is a new dynamic, this changes things.

How the hell am I going to bond with Olivia with her friend around? How willIbe the one to make her feel better when it looks like we’re going on a girl’s trip and I’m just the chaperone.

Andthe man paying for everything. I don’t know if I can disguise the disappointment settling uncomfortably in the pit of my stomach. A part of me wonders if I should cancel now and let June know it just didn’t work out, because there is no way it will work out.

Don’t be a coward. Don’t throw away your one chance to be there for Olivia.

With that thought settling in the forefront of my mind, I force a bright smile on my lips. It’ll be fine, itwillbe. I’ll just have to find a way to make it fine.

“Hey there, how are you girls?”

Cringe, that was a bit ‘dad like’.

“Are we flying on a private jet?” Olivia gushes, ignoring my question completely. “That is amazing. I didn’t know we’d be traveling in style.”

I spin around looking at the plane I hire every time I want to go anywhere. I’ve become a bit accustomed to it actually, which is embarrassing seeing this through the eyes of someone else. I can always justify my need to travel like this because it’s for business and I need to be able to go where I want, when I want. Plus, it’s nicer to travel in comfort so I’m refreshed at the other end of the journey…

But that’s going to sound a bit flashy if I put it like that.

So I say nothing. Seems safer that way.

“Come on, Is, let’s get on board.” Olivia flashes me a toothy, but genuine grin. Okay, I guess I have to accept that, she’s not going to be an easy nut to crack. “I want to see what a plane like this looks like from the inside. Might be a good idea to get some photos.”

Tags: Lisa Ryan Billionaire Romance