Page 29 of Grump Daddy

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Seriously. I don’t know how I’m supposed to navigate this. I basically came as Olivia’s photographer, which is a duty I have already fulfilled. To be fair I have taken some amazing shots of her, and some of the happy couples’ as well, but now the energy is just off.

Shame for that to happen in such a stunning place.

I lean back on the grass and focus on the way the water is cascading downwards, splashing in the pool below, surrounding all the people swimming in the turquoise lake. I mean, it isn’t like I can look at anything else, is it? I certainly can’t stare at Olivia because she is like a horny teen making out with Benji as if they’re worried that they might not have a tomorrow.

I guess, if this is one of those intense holiday flings, then that might be true. I don’t know much about Benji, I don’t know where he lives or how long he’s here for. I wonder if Olivia knows. Either way, I’m sure she doesn’t really care. It’s just a guy treating her nicely in paradise, the complete opposite of her horrible ex-boyfriend.

That’s all I really want for her, and so it’s good.

Even if I’m feeling awkward.

I also can’t look at Elijah. I’m scared that if I meet his eyes again, I’ll lose my damn mind. I won’t even be able to think straight because I’ll recall all too well what it feels like to have his hands, his lips, and his tongue all over me.

Shit, I know what I said this morning. I’m the one who basically cut ties because it’s far too complicated, but now I’m the one daydreaming about him all over again. It’s so intense that my eyes move of their own accord in Elijah’s direction. As soon as I catch sight of him, my heart thunders in my throat, my breath catches painfully, I tingle all over.

I’m sure he senses me looking because he starts to turn his head. I whip my eyes away from him before he catches me staring, I don’t want to make this any worse than it already is.

I jump to my feet because I’m feeling so restless and uncomfortable. I didn’t plan on going in the water but now I don’t want to be out of it. Not that it’ll be cold, but I’m hoping it’ll be enough to cool me down. I can’t continue to sit around all hot and heavy like this. And being in the water will actually give me something to do.

I strip down before jumping into the water without a second of hesitation. But even surrounded by all these people in the water, I feel separate and alone, like I don’t belong. I don’t know what it is, or why it’s happening, but I know I’m going to have to try and burn it all off. Like it’s excess energy that I can’t get rid of without exercise.

I swim away from the crowds, underneath the waterfall just so I can have the sensation of the water gushing over my head. This isn’t something I’ve experienced before, but it’s really awesome.

I like it. But not as much as I like floating behind the waterfall into an isolated area filled with small caves. It’s like a whole new world in here, like a magical place that no one else can access. With the sound of the gushing water covering up the noise coming from the other side of it. I really am on my own here, and this time it feels nice.

I swim over to the rocks and clamber up onto them so I can catch my breath for a moment and really center myself. It gives me a view of the waterfall from behind. A new angle which is fascinating to me. I can’t get enough of it.

This is a little area for me, where I can let my mind run loose and think properly about Elijah for a little bit.

No one is going to find me here.

I have a chance to just decompress.

I let out a deep breath as I lean back against the rocks, allowing my eyes to slide closed. I knew it was wrong for me and Elijah to allow things to get out of hand the way they had, but I didn’t realize it was going to bethishard to be in his presence. It’s almost unbearable because all I want to do is wrap my legs tightly around him once more.

“No,” I whisper desperately to myself. “Don’t want that. That is trouble.”

Rationally, I know that. But it doesn’t stop my eager fingers from acting in a completely different manner. I’m not thinking about what I’m doing, but my hands want to embrace this moment of privacy.

I cup my breast, noting how rock hard and sensitive my nipples are.

I must be more on edge than I assumed because my imagination instantly starts to run wild. I can’t control the intoxicating thoughts and images that threaten to consume me. It’s no longer my hands cupping my breasts in this little cavern, it’s his.

Elijah’s lips are running all over my body once more, igniting little sparks of delight.

“Get on your knees,” I imagine him commanding, whispering to me in a way I never knew I’d like as much as I did. It was thrilling to have him telling me exactly what to do. Not in a forceful dominatrix way, but in a sexy little secretive way that really sets me on fire.

I know I shouldn’t be thinking about this, it’s so freaking wrong, but my fingers have a life of their own. They slip in the small space between the butterfly filled bottom of my belly and the slick material of the bikini bottoms, sliding through the wispy strands of hair leading me down to where the throb is too intense now for me to ignore.

“Oh wow,” I moan as I stroke the wetness there. I am soaking just at the memory of his tongue grazing against me, of the way he sucked on my clit until I was a puddle at his feet.

Until I was consumed with my addiction to him. “Elijah.”

I really do wish that he was with me, but as my eyes slide closed, my imagination takes over. He might as well be here with me, urging me downwards onto my knees while he pulls his cock out to rest it lightly on my tongue.

Somehow, at the same time, I also feel like it’s his fingers in my panties, massaging my hyper sensitive nub. I can almost feel his cock as I taste him too, taking him into the back of my throat so I can make him feel the way he made me feel last night.

Then he’s on top of me, holding on to me in the water, clinging to me as he takes me from behind…my fantasies grow wilder and dirtier by the minute, I can’t control myself. I press my foot back on the rock behind me as my thighs part wider. I need more access to myself, just as I’m sure Elijah would in his typical commanding way. The pleasure starts in a creeping motion, starting in my toes and working its way up through my body, sizzling in my veins, until it suddenly becomes overpowering. My knees buckle right at the moment the heat spreads across my chest, fogging up my brain, swallowing me up in thoughts of him…

Tags: Lisa Ryan Billionaire Romance