Page 11 of Grump Daddy

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The shining sun is so bright I have to blink a few times as I climb off the plane, onto Laucala Island. It looks so beautiful I’m sure it’ll brighten up Olivia’s mood. With me, of course, I’m pretty sure she’s having a whale of a time with Isabella.

The car is already there, waiting to take us to the resort we’ll be staying at. One of the most luxurious ones on the island with everything anyone could possibly want within touching distance. Yes, maybe I am spoiling Olivia, but there is a lot to make up for, and I genuinely do want to make her feel better after the shit storm she’s been through.

We’ve all been there, when everything seems to come crashing down on us all at once. I know I have, but at the time there wasn’t anyone around to whisk me away to paradise. But I can do that for Olivia and I hope that it helps.

That will be something at the very least.

I sit beside the driver as the girls climb in the back, still giggling and acting like this was a girl’s vacation, which it really is. That isn’t just a worry I’ve had; I’m being proven right. I’m just here as an added, unwanted, extra. I try to listen to their conversation as we drive, just so I can catch on to a bit of how my daughter is feeling. I have to admit I don’t pick up much, they are whispering like crazy, but I do get a few things. Olivia has had a couple of drinks, so she’s being louder.

“He’s in jail, really? Leon? Oh my freaking God!”

Jail? Who the hell is in jail? I’m pretty sure that June mentioned that name as the ex-boyfriend. Who the hell has Olivia been getting involved with?

Shit, it’s really tempting to spin around, to ask a dozen questions, but I can’t. IknowI can’t.

It isn’t within my rights to, is it? Not when I haven’t been a father for years. But I really do want what’s best for Olivia, and a dirtbag who ends up locked up in jail clearly isn’t that.

I bite down on my bottom lip and keep my words inside. I have a funny feeling that’s something I will be doing for the whole time that we’re here.

“…it means he won’t see my photos right away, but maybe that’s a good thing. Perhaps by the time he does see them, I won’t care anymore. Ireallydon’t want to care anymore.”

“You won’t, don’t worry.”

I’m glad Isabella says that, because it’s words I can’t say.

“I’m going to make sure that you’re okay by the time we get back home.”

I don’t hear much else, not until we pull up into the resort, and that’s when the excited screaming begins. That actually brings a smile to my face. This version of Olivia is already so much happier than the one I saw on that very first day.

“Do Isabella and I get one of those cabins to ourselves?” Olivia asks, “Because if so, we are going to have the best time ever. I can’t wait. We can party all night long!”

I sigh heavily. That isn’t what I had planned, I thought a big cabin would give me and my daughter the closeness and distance we needed to rebuild everything. But I’m also not going to force her to do that when she so clearly doesn’t want to.

“Sure, you guys can have a cabin of your own. You can come and go as you please.”

I can afford it, that isn’t the issue. It’s everything else. But I will just have to find other ways around it. I will find ways for me and Olivia to connect.

We climb out of the car and head towards the reception desk where I am greeted like I’m a celebrity. I haven’t been here before, but I suppose everyone in the business world knows my name. In these circles, I pretty much am a celebrity. It’s a bit weird, I don’t think I will ever get used to it. I do note Olivia and Isabella staring at me, looking a little bit impressed, which means I might actually be able to use that to my advantage. To make Olivia warm to me somehow.

I make sure they have everything in their cabin. The more they see me adding on to the bill, the more excited they become. Good, what’s a bottle of champagne, and posh chocolates when it brings my daughter back into my life.

“Can we book a table for dinner as well?” I ask, before quickly realizing that I might have taken things a step too far. “Err…separate ones.”

My heart sinks, but IknowI have to move slow. “Separate tables, I would like to eat in a minute. I’m sure you guys want to eat later.”

“Yeah, sounds great,” Olivia replies with a grin, sticking that dagger even deeper into my heart. “Thanks, Elijah, we will get dressed and have some more drinks first.”

I swallow hard, then nod. “Sure thing. I thought you might want that.”

I do have to work as well; this is a two-pronged trip.

I have other things I need to do while I’m here, but nothing feels more important than Olivia understanding that I really want her in my life from now on. I want to finally start being a father to her. Iknowit’s too late, I understand that no matter what happened in the past, I fucked up and missed out. But I want to repair it as much as I can. Ineedto make things right.

Dinner isn’t going to be the start of that, sadly. Not today anyway. But maybe in the next few days, maybe even in a week. Ihaveto slow down as much as I can so I don’t push Olivia away. It feels like walking on a tight rope at the moment.

Weirdly, Isabella catches my eye, but she’s looking at me a little differently now. Almost like she has some sympathy within her for me. But she hates me, she’s the one who wants to poison Olivia against me, so why does she seem togetme right now?

Shit, now I’m really confused. I don’t know what to think. I even smile at Isabella a little as our eyes lock in on one another, which is strange because I had so much hatred for her on the plane.

Tags: Lisa Ryan Billionaire Romance