Page 12 of Grump Daddy

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I despised her, but now… well now I feel like she is the only one who understands me and what I’m trying to do.



The squeal that rips out of Olivia’s chest makes me chuckle because I know what she’s going through. I’m feeling the exact same way. This is pure heaven, it’s incredible. Seeing it on paper is one thing, but seeing it in real life is truly something else. It’s amazing. It really is a paradise and I am shaken to the core. I didn’t know places like this existed in real life.

“I know, I know,” I chuckle. “What the hell are we going to do first? There is just so much. Swimming, sunbathing, the ocean, cocktails, volleyball…”

“I just want to be in my bikini, that’s all I know. I don’t mind what comes next.”

Olivia is grinning from ear to ear, she looks like the sun is shining just for her, which is wonderful. Truly just amazing. I could not be happier for her. It makes all the stress between me and Elijah worth it. I really don’t think I’ll see him again now anyway. Not until the flight home, and by then all the weirdness between us will be forgotten about. With a bit of luck.

Thank God Olivia made it obvious that she didn’t want to have dinner with her dad. I have to admit that Ididfeel a bit sorry for him, but I also wasn’t about to step in because there is no way I can sit across the dinner table from him after I called him a bad dad. It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not, I know I shouldn’t have said it.

That’s why I want to just move past it already, so I don’t need to think about it anymore.

“I’m actually glad we went swimming suit shopping now. I can’t wait to get my sexy bikini on. Where did I pack it?” I drag everything out of my hastily packed suitcase. “Yes! Here it is. Come on, let’s get our asses out onto the sand already.”

A surge of confidence washes over me as I barely cover my skin in the teeny bikini that Olivia talked me into buying. I didn’t think I’d want it, back at home, it felt silly and not me. But here, on the island, where I don’t know anyone really and the sun is shining brightly, it’s an essential. I can’t wait to soak in some Vitamin D.

Olivia looks incredible as well, so of course we make sure to snap a bunch of pictures of her for social media pages. Because even if Leon is locked away for the time being, who knows how long he will be in there. Even if Olivia is over and done with him by the time we leave here, I still want him to feel the pain of who he let go. Because she is a goddess. And not just looks wise, she is a diamond with her personality as well. The best of the best, he was lucky to have her and he treated her like shit. Honestly, it’s no wonder I don’t feel like love is for me.

Eventually, the photos in the cabin are done, so we take ourselves down to the beach which is only meters away from us. The sand is burning hot between my toes, the heat is delightful on my shoulders, I feel freer and happier than I have in forever.

I was expecting to spend a lot of time working, starting tonight because I kinda thought Olivia and Elijah would want to get their awkward conversations started on right away so we could get past it and enjoy the rest of the vacation without it hanging over us all, but it seems like she’s taking her time.

Maybe she’s even taking my advice and she’s just using him for whatever she can get out of him.

Well, good for her. Especially if she looks this happy.

“I’m getting a cocktail,” Olivia cries out as she heads towards the tiki beach bar sitting right in the middle of the gorgeous sand, luring us in with its bold, bright colors and delicious smells that are wafting on the light breeze tickling our senses before we can even see it.

“Come on, Is, you know you want one as well, what shall we get?”

I don’t get a chance to vocalize my preference because Olivia is surrounded by a group of hot topless guys who want to shower her with attention.

Good! That’s what she needs, and I didn’t even have to organize it.

Nice. This will give her a huge boost of confidence. I stand back and grin, keeping myself out of the loop because I don’t need their eyes on me.

“Hey, cutie.” Uh oh.

One of them pats me on the ass. Not great. I didn’t want to be noticed, but it seems like I can’t keep to myself however hard I try. “I’ll get you a drink.”

I almost scream at him not to touch me without my permission, but I force my yelling to remain tightly locked in my throat for Olivia’s sake. I don’t want to put them off her because I don’t want her to lose this boost.

Even if this guy is hot, I don’t like him touching me like this. I don’t want it, so I make sure to keep an eye on him while he gets my drink.

I don’t trust anyone, that might be my problem. But the immaturity that some guys carry around with them, like it’s a badge of honor is so irritating.

“Come on, Is!” Olivia yells as she grabs my hand at the same moment I clutch the drink. Luckily I don’t spill too much of it, and not on us.

“Let’s play volleyball.”

Okay, so I guess we’re diving right into island life here. That’s cool. As long as it makes my friend happy, then I will go along with anything at the moment. As long as my boobs don’t fall out of this skimpy bikini then I’m pretty sure I’ll be fine…

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Tags: Lisa Ryan Billionaire Romance