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“Wheat dust. I do not know how long. Maybe always.” She shrugged. She had no idea when it started; it was always a thing.

“Anything else you’re allergic to? So I don’t force you into it.” His fingers were making lazy circles on her leg.

“Ragweed when I was younger, but not anymore,” she said, smiling. “Are you allergic to anything?”

He laughed. “No, perfectly perfect.”

“If you say so, Mathias,” she said, looking him up and down. Hewasperfectly perfect.

Taking her hands in his, he looked at them, “They healed okay? You didn’t wear gloves that day.”

Tess looked at her hands. They looked the same as always. Looking up at him, she said, “Mathias, that was weeks ago. I was fine. A little work has never killed me. I am alive.”

“Listen, I’m sorry I made you do all that stuff. I was still a little mad about the loan. I took it out on you,” he admitted as he kissed her hands where they had once been red and sore.

“I had fun at your place that day. I have not done so much of that stuff in years. It brought back many memories of my childhood.” She smiled at the memory. His attitude hadn’t gotten in the way of her having fun that day.

“I can’t believe you lied to me about growing up on a farm.” He stopped and looked at her, lowering her hands back to her lap.

“I have never lied to you. You, Mathias, never asked.”

“Tess, how many times have you shoveled manure?” His hand slid high up on her thigh.

Smiling, she said, “A million times. Thank you for asking, Mathias.”

He made her laugh as he pulled her onto his lap, and she went willingly. Straddling him, she felt his warmth envelope her. Running her fingers through his hair, she whispered, “And I never wore gloves once.”

“Why didn’t you tell me when I was making you do all that stuff?” His arms went around her, and his hands slid up her bare back under her shirt.

“I did not want to ruin your fun. You thought you were so clever.” She ran her fingers down his neck. He was warm, and she couldn’t stop touching him.

“Iwasclever,” he argued, but his hands had found her sides, and his thumbs were caressing the underside of her breasts.

She laughed at him. “You are cute, Mathias. Have we talked enough yet?”

Her fingers were working the buttons of his shirt, opening it to reveal his bare skin underneath. Once it was completely undone, she smoothed her hands up his chest and over his shoulders, then back into his blond hair.

His hands tightened around her waist, pulling her closer to him. “Yes.” His voice was husky as his mouth closed over hers in a kiss.

Tess smiled and broke the kiss. Pulling out of his strong, warm arms, she stood and held out her hand to him. Relief washed through her when he took it, and she led him into her bedroom.

Dropping his hand, she pulled off the T-shirt she had recently thrown on. Tossing it on the floor, she looked up at him and saw his eyes were on her breasts as he pushed his own shirt off his shoulders. His hands went to his belt as she slid out of the leggings and panties she wore.

When they were both naked, she watched him take her in as she looked over his body in return. He was amazingly toned and muscular for just a North Dakota farmer. And all she wanted to do was to touch him.

He was the first to reach out to her, as his fingers brushed lightly over the tattoo on her pelvis. Then his fingers wrapped behind her and grabbed her butt, pulling her to him. Once she was pressed against him, his lips found hers again.

Her hands roamed over his body on their own accord as her tongue slid into his mouth, and her kisses grew desperate. His hands moved up her body until they cupped her breasts, and he ran his thumbs over her sensitive nipples. She moaned at the sensations coursing through her body.

Turning, he sat down on the bed and moved her so that she was standing between his legs. His arms then went around her, and his lips found her nipple that was just level with his mouth.

She was still moaning as his hand slid down and cupped her core before his fingers expertly found her clit, making her call out his name as her hand fisted in his hair. She didn’t want any of this to stop.

With her body so close to release, he rolled her onto the bed, taking her by surprise. She laughed and whispered hoarsely, “Tell a girl when you do that.”

His response was to kiss her as he settled between her legs. Tess slid her fingers down his chest, then lower so she could caress his hard erection. Knowing he was as ready as she was, she whispered, “Please, now, please.”

Again, he had no response to her words. So, she wrapped her legs around him, telling him with her body what she wanted since words were not working. It worked, and she groaned as he filled her slowly, too slowly, so she shifted her hips to take him in faster and deeper.

Tags: Alie Garnett Romance